
    How to relieve Constipation?

    Over-the-counter drugs are popular for quick relief of constipation. They are cheap and effective. This is a lazy way to get rid of constipation, but it’s not the best. Let’s be more specific about constipation. A common disturbance in the body’s digestive system can be described as constipation. It can be described as irregular bowel movements or the passing of hard and dry stool. Constipation is a major cause of many illnesses. It produces toxins that get into the bloodstream and are carried to every part of the body, poisoning it. Chronic constipation can lead to many diseases, including arthritis, rheumatisms, high blood pressure, cancer, and loss of appetite.


    Our stomach is designed for mixing food to make it digestible and absorbable by the body. The liquid food is then absorbed into the small intestinale, where it extracts calories and minerals. The colon is connected to the small intestine at the right-lower abdomen. The colon, also known as the large bowel, measures 5-6 feet in length. Its function is to draw water from the liquid stool so that the stool becomes soft-formed stool by the time it reaches the rectum. If too much water is extracted, the stool may become hard and difficult for the body to expel. Other causes of bowel difficulties include a faulty or irregular method of defecation and frequent use of purgatives.

    Also, weak abdominal muscles due to sedentary lifestyles, lack of exercise, emotional stress and strain can also cause it. What are the most common causes of constipation, then? Constipation is most commonly caused by poor diets or diets high in animal meats, but low in fiber. Fibre helps to regulate bowel movements and promote regularity. Poor bowel movements habits are a common problem, especially among children. It is important to encourage children to use the toilet every day once they have been toilet trained. Adults often suffer from bowel problems when they don’t respond to the need to eliminate waste for a prolonged period of time.

    Constipation symptoms

    These include a decrease in bowel movements, one or more episodes per week of stool incontinence, passing large stools that obstruct the toilet and retentive posturing (withholding behavior) as well as painful defecation. Constipation is when your bowel habits change (e.g., you go to the toilet less often). Constipation is when you have irregular bowel habits, but are having trouble passing stool because they are small and hard. Avoiding caffeine and alcohol is the best way to treat constipation. They deplete your body’s water stores. If you can’t avoid them, then you should replace your caffeine or alcoholic drink intake with a similar amount of plain water.

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    Try to eat three meals per meal that are at least four hours apart. Frequent feeding can cause your intestines to contract and move more smoothly. The best way to improve your life is to make fundamental lifestyle changes. You can help alleviate constipation symptoms by adding fiber supplements such as Metamucil and Konsyl to your diet. These natural fiber supplements make your stool soften. They are safe to use daily because they are natural. You should drink plenty of fluids and water every day.

    Fiber supplements can worsen constipation problems if not taken as directed. To avoid gas problems, it is important to gradually add fiber to your diet. Water is one of the best health drinks. It is good for constipation, but also for cleansing the system, diluting the blood, and cleaning out any poisons. It is recommended that you drink six to eight glasses of water daily. This aids in digestion and dissolution of food nutrients, which can then be absorbed by the body. However, water should not be consumed with meals as it dilutes the stomach juices, which are essential for proper digestion.

    Children with Constipation

    Although constipation can occur for a variety of reasons, most are harmless. Constipation can be a temporary illness if children are deficient in fluids or fibre or are feverish. Constipation can be a problem for toddlers who feel pressured to learn how to use the potty or children who are so involved in play that they forget to go to their bathroom. Breastfed babies may not be able to move their bowels for days. However, this does not necessarily mean that they are constipated. In rare cases, constipation could be a sign that there is an underlying medical problem.

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    It is important to address constipation immediately in children. The rectum is prone to drier quickly, making it more painful, difficult, and worse. You should take note of your child’s stool and, if necessary, look back at what your child ate or drank and how they behave since that time. Do not be upset if your child does not have a bowel movement every single day. Some children, as well as adults, have regular rhythms that occur every few days.

    Do This!

    Make homemade ice-lollies or add extra fluids to boost fluid intake. Fizzy drinks should not be consumed every day. Water is the best way to quench your thirst. Regular meal plans should include more wholemeal foods, fruits, and vegetables. Whole breakfast cereals like porridge and bran flakes can be served. Introduce wholemeal flour, pastas, cereals, and rice gradually to your diet. Every day, offer fresh fruit and ensure that your children have at least one fruit in their lunch boxes. Dry fruits like raisins, figs, and apricots make great snacks. Massage your child’s abdomen with baby lotion if they are complaining of stomach pains.

    Place a step beside your toddler’s toilet to encourage them to use it. Show your toddler how to place the step and push it with their feet. Put your toddler back in nappies for about a month if they become constipated while potty training. Reward your toddler for good behavior by giving them a hug or quality-time. If an accident occurs, try not to make a fuss or emphasize the situation. If a doctor recommends it, do not give your child any laxatives or drugs. If none of the above work or you notice blood in your stool, consult your doctor. Do not delay in seeking help. The sooner you address the problem, the easier it will be to fix. Your doctor may recommend a mild laxative to help clear the bowels. Senna is a bowel stimulant that helps children establish regular eating habits. If these do not work, your doctor might refer the child to hospital.

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