Заседнал начин на живот

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects the way your body handles blood sugar, also known as glucose. As blood glucose levels increase, serious complications can arise that affect various systems of the body. Knowing and understanding the risks associated with diabetes is essential for prevention, effective management, and...
Varices are dilated, crooked veins that usually appear on the legs and feet. These veins, which normally carry blood back to the heart, can become weaker and less efficient, causing blood to build up and cause swelling and warping. This problem, which affects millions of people around the world,...
Heart problems are a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. These conditions include a variety of disorders that affect the heart and blood vessels, including coronary disease, heart failure, arrhythmia, and valve disease. The prevalence of heart disease has increased significantly due to risk factors such as hypertension,...
Losing weight can be a challenge, and having a busy life can seem even harder. Given the limited time available to prepare meals, sports and self-care, it is important to find ways to prioritize weight loss goals. Unfortunately, hectic schedules often lead to unhealthy eating habits and a sedentary...
Hypertension is a disease of the cardiovascular system, where the heart pumps blood into the vessels at every heartbeat, causing pressure. If this pressure in the vascular system is permanently increased, it is called high blood pressure or arterial hypertension.What are some causes of High Blood Pressure?Genetic Predisposition:...
Contractures, contusions, muscular overloads or lumbar pains are common ailments among the population that are usually mild. One way to alleviate these pains, in addition to consulting a specialist to follow the most appropriate treatment, is to apply creams with anti-inflammatory components that act locally and are able to...
"Диванджия" е човек, който прекарва по-голямата част от времето си в легнало положение или в леглото, често пред телевизора. Другият израз, "картоф с мишка", се отнася за човек, който е също толкова неактивен, но е залепен за компютър. И двата израза се отнасят до безделието и начина на живот, който...
Изтръпването на пениса при мъжете може да означава сериозен здравословен проблем. То може да бъде нещо повече от дразнещо. То може също така да показва инфекция, възпаление и системно заболяване. Изтръпването може да е знак, че нервните окончания са увредени или раздразнени, изпитват глад за хранителни вещества и/или са увредени от травма. То може да е остро за...