
    Are There Easy Toothache Home Remedies?

    We all experience toothaches at least once in our lives. Tooth decay is the most common cause of toothache. This causes inflammation of the pulp and gums. Toothache can also be caused by tooth decay. Toothache is something we don’t want to experience because it can cause severe pain. Toothaches are more common in children.


    These are more common in children due to their increased sugar intake and poor oral hygiene habits. You don’t have to make your child suffer through toothache pain all night. You don’t even need to buy expensive medication. You can quickly relieve your child’s pain by learning effective home remedies for toothache. Here are some common home remedies for toothache.

    Take note

    • Clove oil- Simply rub clove oil on the tooth that is hurting. It can reduce pain and heal the tooth.
    • Guava leaves – Take a few guava leaf and wash them under running water. To get the juices into your mouth, chew the leaves. This remedy has been around for a long time.
    • Garlic-to get immediate relief, place a semi-mashed garlic clove in the tooth.
    • Saltwater gargle-Our great-grandmothers used this gargle for both to kill germs and to relieve toothache pain. Combine a tablespoonful of salt with a glass of warm, filtered water. Gargle for 30 seconds at once.
    • Salt and pepper-good ol’ salt are always good choices for home remedies because of their many benefits and healing properties. You can reduce pain by adding a pinch of pepper to half of a teaspoon of rock salt. The mixture should be placed in the affected tooth.
    • This is the same treatment as the guava leaves remedy, but with spinach leaves. However, spinach leaves are mainly used to strengthen gums.
    • Vanilla extract – Use 3-4 drops of vanilla extract to relieve pain and speed up the healing process.
    • Cold compress- You will need to make a small ice pack that fits inside your mouth. You can also use ice cubes to place in your mouth and wrap them in thin cloth. To numb the area, apply the cold compress.
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