
    Why is Natural Penis Enlargement the best Option?

    Many men believe that if they want their penis to grow longer and thicker they must go under the knife. They believe that the trade-off for being wealthy is having to endure a painful procedure that takes a long recovery period, which exposes the most important (and sensitive) areas of their bodies. They risk exposing a large area of their bodies to a lot of risks and spending their entire lives savings on the procedure. Surgery is not the only way to make your penis last longer, thicker, or more satisfying for women. Natural penis enlargement is just as effective as surgery, and the benefits you can achieve are far greater than what you can with surgery.

    Natural Enhancement

    What is natural penis enhancement? Natural enlargement simply means that your penis will grow larger using only your hands. This is done using a technique called traction. Apply traction to the different chambers of your penile shaft by placing your hands on a warm penis. This will cause the tissues to divide and then multiply continuously if you continue doing it. This process is called Cytokinesis, and it allows you to create new healthy tissue. When you were a child, cytokinesis was the exact process that allowed your body to grow. You will never lose the height that you gained during puberty (until your cartilage starts wearing down, which is another story!) You will never lose the size of your penis if you use hand traction techniques. These are three reasons hand exercises can help you gain more size than surgery.

    Take Note

    • Natural techniques generate new, healthy tissue! Surgery doesn’t. It takes time to create new tissue. This cannot be done overnight. You are limited in the size you can gain by not being able to create a large amount of healthy tissue within your penile shaft through cytokinesis. The majority of surgeons who perform penis enlargement surgery (phalloplasty) will tell patients that they can expect a gain of 1 to 1.5 inches.
    • Only surgery can reveal the length of your penis! Here’s how surgery works. A layer of fat over your pubic bone conceals a portion of your penis. You will be amazed at how much you can gain by measuring your penis and sticking a ruler in the fat. This is because sex can’t be done if the size isn’t covered up. The “hidden” portion of your penis is revealed by surgery, which increases your length. Your gains are limited by the length of your fat pad.
    • Your girth will not be increased by surgery! Traction will increase your girth because the new tissue growth will fill more length and circumference. The only way to increase your girth is by having surgery. However, not all surgeons will perform implantation. It’s similar to how women use implants for breast size increase, but there are more complications for men as the implant material can affect blood flow to their genitals. A larger penis is not something you want. You don’t need to worry about this with natural techniques. Traction actually increases blood flow to your penis and makes your erections more powerful. It also expands the blood vessels that fill with blood when your are sexually active. This will make your sexual performance and your size permanent.
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    Small Penis Anxiety

    Many men experience small penis anxiety, even those without a small penis. Men continue to obsess over size, despite the fact that other factors, such as how a man handles his penis and his penis health are equally important. What is small anyway? As with many things, “small” is in the eyes (or mind) only. Also, “average” and large are two different things. A recent survey has shed some light on the average length of a man’s penis. BJU International, a British Association of Urological Surgeons publication, published a paper that examined 20 studies that evaluated the penis sizes of approximately 15,000 men.

    The average length of the penis is 3.61 inches when it is soft; it is 5.17 inches when it is erect. When soft, the penis’ average girth measures 3.67 inches. When erect, it measures 4.58 inches. The truth is that the average penis measures just slightly more than 5 inches. This is in spite of the fact men have been told for years that it is six inches long. Many men of average length felt their penises were not as large as those of others. How many are small? Another interesting fact is that only 2.28% of men have penises that could legitimately been called “small.” A comparable percentage applies to men who could legitimately be called “large.”

    Did you know?

    A penis of average (or normal or typical) is found in approximately 95% men. An average man with a good amount of resources is able to perform satisfactorily if his vagina depth is between 3 and 4 inches. Many men will still be anxious about the size of their tools, despite this fact. A 2007 study revealed that 45% of men believe they have a small penis. However, 85% of women surveyed said they are completely satisfied with the size of their partner’s penis. If 95% of the members have normal penis sizes, then why are only 85% of those women satisfied with their partner’s penis? The wise man says that men with small rods are getting more women than they deserve.

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    One possible explanation is that some female respondents may not have had the best sexual experiences. This could be due to the size of their mate’s organ or his skill with it. These are important factors to consider. Skill is something that can be learned over time. Young men are easily excited and can be easily sexy. As he gets older, a man learns what works best for him and his partner. He discovers that certain types of foreplay can have a significant impact on his partner, and that certain positions can yield specific results. You can reduce anxiety about what you perceive to be a small penis by keeping it healthy.

    Penis Care

    Regular use of a top-quality penis health cream. A strong, healthy penis makes a man proud of his package. The cremes that contain an antioxidant, such as alphalipoic acid, and a combination moisturizers (such Shea butter or vitamin E), address common issues like dry skin and aging penile cells. It is best to include vitamin C in your creme, as this vitamin is essential for collagen production and firmness of the penile tissue. A man can make his family proud with the right care.


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