
    Am I my Worst Enemy?

    Living in contradiction to the most basic rules of living is one of the greatest failings of humanity. This will make life more difficult and less enjoyable. It is mainly due to rushing ahead without considering the consequences. Or, we believe we know better, but don’t have the time or resources to make changes now. We need to stop and reexamine how we live. Are we our worst enemies? Too often, the answer is yes. If we want to preserve our precious gift of health, well-being, we must be vigilant. You could be making an error right now that will affect your life for the rest.

    Let’s see…

    Are you contributing to future illness and stealing years from your life?

    • Are you a tobacco addict? Do you smoke cigarettes?
    • Do you drink alcohol? Alcohol can affect your liver, kidneys, and heart, regardless of how much you drink. The real effect of alcohol is to depress your brain, blood stream, and every other organ in your body.
    • Do you overeat? Do you eat too much? Are you putting extra strain on your bones and muscles by asking them to support a heavier weight than they were designed to?
    • Do you have a problem with drugs of any kind, including alkalizers and bromides, aspirin, sleeping pills, or bromides? Do you reach for the ‘painkiller’ whenever you feel even the slightest pain or ache? You are not only poisoning yourself but also causing havoc to the delicate balance that nature has created.
    • Are you consuming coffee, tea, or cola drinks without realizing that they could be a threat to your health? They are drugs as much as sleeping pills or aspirins.
    • Are you a faddist? Are you a fadist? Do you try the latest pills, do you exercise excessively or follow diets that can be harmful to your body and even lead to death?
    • Are you a prisoner in foam rubber? Are you a slave of the foam rubber prisoner? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are your worst enemy. Because they are harmful to health and life, I called them the seven sins. Some of these are legalized murder.
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    Rational Existence

    Scientists continue to uncover evidence that should make it difficult for people to live a rational existence. These things are dangerous, and people all over the world recognize it. Unfortunately, these warnings are ignored. They know, but they don’t act. Blundering is one thing, but short-sightedness is another. Obesity can affect every part of the body, directly or indirectly. There is only one way to stop it. Sometimes we overeat due to poor habits or impulsiveness.

    Overeating is often more than a physical problem. As we know that all diseases are both mental and physical, we also see that overeating can be a psychological condition. We have the seeds of degenerative disease. These diseases are not caused by bacteria or accidents. Deteriorating tissues are responsible for heart disease, arthritis, and diseases of the veins, as well as the circulatory system. They are often referred to as an “aging of the organism”. This aging process must be experienced by all people. All people experience a gradual and steady decline in vitality and strength. Every age has its own disease or ailment. It was the plague in the middle ages. It was caused by poor diet, overwork and poor sanitation.


    Gout is a common condition in the seventeenth and 18th centuries. People ate very few fresh fruits and vegetables. Their diets were high in fat. Tuberculosis was a major problem in the nineteenth century. Poor ventilation meant that factories and homes were poorly ventilated. Vitamin deficiencies were a problem in diets. Today, the most deadly diseases are those that affect the brain, heart, and blood system. Modern civilization’s excesses and abuses have led to the breakdown and wear-out of the human body. Harmony with nature is more than a nice sounding phrase.

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    Harmony is exactly what it means. It is not possible to have excesses, but a good blending of all things. It is just as bad to eat only wheat germ or drink only orange juice, as it is to inject your body with poisons and drugs. Such people are a hindrance to rational living. Lack of activity can lead to many problems. How many people do we know who don’t get up from their seats except to eat, sleep, or go to work? The natural functioning of the body is disrupted by laziness. To maintain a healthy digestion and to increase blood circulation, exercise is important.


    Advanced age is not an irreversible, permanent biological condition of unwavering decline. It’s a dynamic state that can be improved upon by most people regardless of how long they have lived or neglected their bodies in the past. There is a second chance to correct the wrongs you have done to your body. You can rejuvenate your body. You can regain the vitality, strength, and aerobic endurance that you thought was lost forever.


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