Prostatitis is an inflammatory condition of the prostate that can pose risks to men’s health. If not treated properly, it can lead to serious complications. According to the Urological Association, prostatitis can increase the risk of developing urinary problems, recurrent infections, erectile dysfunction, and even prostate cancer.

Chronic prostatitis can cause persistent symptoms and affect men’s quality of life. In addition to uncomfortable symptoms such as pelvic pain and difficulty urinating, chronic inflammation of the prostate can damage glandular tissue and obstruct the flow of urine. This can lead to recurrent urinary tract infections, kidney damage, and sexual complications.

What is Prostalis?

Prostalis is a natural product in capsule form developed specifically to help combat the symptoms of prostatitis and promote prostate health. It is composed of a unique formula of ingredients carefully selected for their beneficial properties for the prostate and urinary system.

Prostalis capsules contain a combination of plant extracts, vitamins and minerals that act synergistically to reduce inflammation, relieve pain and discomfort in the prostate area, and improve the overall functioning of this organ.

Prostalis capsules are recommended in the following cases:

  • For men who experience symptoms of prostatitis, such as pain or discomfort in the pelvic area, difficulty urinating, frequent or urgent urination, and changes in urine flow.
  • As a preventive measure to maintain prostate health in men over 40 years of age, especially those with a family history of prostate problems.
  • In cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a condition characterized by an enlarged prostate and related urinary symptoms.
  • During the recovery process after prostate surgery, to promote healing and reduce inflammation.
  • As additional support in the medical treatment of chronic prostatitis, along with the doctor’s instructions.
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How does Prostalis work?

Prostalis capsules are designed to address the symptoms and treat prostatitis comprehensively. Its unique formula contains a combination of carefully selected natural ingredients that act in several areas to promote prostate health and relieve symptoms.

The active ingredients in Prostalis work in synergy to reduce inflammation of the prostate, improve blood circulation and strengthen the immune system. This helps reduce swelling of the prostate gland, relieve pain and discomfort, and improve urinary function.

Additionally, the antioxidant properties of the ingredients help protect prostate cells from oxidative stress and promote long-term health. This can help prevent deterioration of the prostate and reduce the risk of complications related to prostatitis.

Návod k použití

  1. Dávkování: It is recommended to take 1 Prostalis capsule twice a day, preferably during main meals.
  2. Liquid Intake: Accompany each dose of Prostalis with a glass of water to facilitate the absorption of the ingredients.
  3. Adherence to Treatment: It is important to take the capsules regularly and not skip any doses. This will help maintain a constant concentration of the ingredients in the body and obtain the best results.


  • Allergies or sensitivity to any of the Ingredients: It is important to carefully review the list of ingredients in Prostalis and make sure that you are not allergic or sensitive to any of them.
  • Lékové interakce: If you are taking prescription medications or other supplements, it is important to be aware of the possibility of interactions with Prostalis ingredients.

Result from the use of Prostalis

Below are some possible results that have been reported in Prostalis users:

  • Reduction in Prostatitis Symptoms: Many users have experienced a decrease in symptoms associated with prostatitis, such as frequent need to urinate, difficulty emptying the bladder completely, and painful or burning sensations when urinating.
  • Improved Urinary Flow: Prostalis may help improve urinary flow by reducing inflammation of the prostate and promoting healthy prostate function.
  • Prostate Inflammation Relief: The natural ingredients present in Prostalis, such as pumpkin extract and lycopene, have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce prostate inflammation.
  • General Prostate Wellness: Prostalis is designed to support the health and well-being of the overall prostate, helping to maintain its normal function and reduce the risk of long-term prostate problems.
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Prostalis is a supplement in capsule form designed to help relieve the symptoms of prostatitis and promote prostate health. It is formulated with natural ingredients selected for their beneficial properties for the urinary system and prostate function.

Prostalis contains a combination of herbal extracts, vitamins and minerals that have been studied for their positive effects on reducing inflammation, relieving frequent and painful urination, and improving overall prostate function. To ensure the authenticity and quality of the product, it is recommended to purchase Prostalis only through the manufacturer’s official website.


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