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    Tag: Fotofobie

    Pozdní nápor Ducks zpečetil zápas

     Rozhodující gól Isaca v sobotním utkání zařídil Anaheim Ducks nezapomenutelný vstup do sezóny. Lundestromova'střela zápěstím, na kterou mu nahrál Brock McGinn a která prošla obranou Sharks'pouhých devět minut před koncem, prolomila ticho sobotního'zápasu.Trevor Zegras' do prázdné branky 95 sekund před koncem zápasu ještě zvýšil intenzitu hry. Byl to poslední hřebíček...

    Jak se vyspat k úspěchu?

    Having an excellent diet is key. Today let's look at your resting patterns or habits. Focus on your sleeping practices and you''ll lessen the chances and intensity of one's migraines. People who have migraine, and until lately, I counted myself included in this, say it affects their rest but it could be the other method around. You might have chronic migraines as you are...

    Proč vědět vše o migrénách?

    Migraine is a brain condition that causes headaches, nausea, and changes in bodily perceptions. It is more common in women than it is in...

    Proč vyzkoušet alternativní terapie pro úlevu od bolesti hlavy?

    In today's overly busy, hectic society, most of us have suffered from some type of a headache. A stress headache is normally fairly moderate,...

    Jak zjistit, zda se jedná o migrénu?

    You have a headache. Or do you? How do you know if it's a headache or migraine? Let's look at the symptoms to help...

    Existují skvělé informace o migrénách?

    Twenty-eight millions Americans suffer from migraines, which are debilitating headaches that are characterized by throbbing pain on one side of their heads. Women are...

    Je migréna obvykle bolest hlavy?

    Migraines are one of the most common complaints in medicine. It is a common reason for frequent Emergency Room visits. However, most people who...

    Proč znát bolest hlavy?

    Headaches are the most common reason people visit a doctor. This common symptom could be caused by something as simple as stress, or something...

    Pomáhá tma zmírnit migrénu?

    As all sufferers will know, migraine pain is more than just a headache. It is usually unilateral and affects one side of the skull....

    Jak bojovat s břišní migrénou?

    An abdominal migraine is a pain in the abdomen that does not include a headache. They are also known as periodic syndrome. They usually...

    Může být můj mozek poškozen migrénami nebo záchvaty?

    I have found that many migraine and seizure sufferers don't fully understand that brain damage can occur even when they aren't experiencing headaches or...

    Jak se vyhnout bolestem hlavy?

    Head aches are differentiated by two forms of pain. However, for those who have very sharp discomfort, a throbbing feeling or severe sensitivity to...

    Co je to bolest hlavy po durální punkci?

    What is a Post-Dural Puncture Headache? How can it be treated? The dura mater is the lining around the spinal chord. A dural puncture...

    Existuje průvodce příznaky bolestí hlavy?

    Headaches are a common complaint for many people. However, the causes of headaches can vary from one person to another. The severity of the...