
    What I need to know about Diabetes?

    Diabetes is one of the leading causes for death in the United States. Diabetes affects how the body uses food after digestion. It is also known as metabolic disorder. It can cause serious complications and even death if proper treatment is not given. Diabetes patients can live a normal, healthy life with proper treatment and preventive measures. Most of the food we consume is converted into glucose (a type of sugar found in our blood). Glucose is the main source of fuel for the body.


    This glucose is used by cells in our bodies to provide energy and growth. To get glucose into cells, the blood must contain insulin. This chemical, insulin, is produced by the pancreas, a large gland located behind the stomach. It is a key factor in healthy digestion. Normal conditions dictate that the body produces the right amount of insulin after eating to enable the body to properly process glucose. Diabetes patients produce very little insulin or don’t respond to insulin produced by their pancreas. This can lead to an increase in blood glucose. As glucose is produced, it starts to accumulate and overflow into the urine. This causes the body to lose most of its fuel resources.

    Even if there is high glucose levels in the blood, this does not make it any better as the cells cannot use it to produce energy. There are many signs and symptoms of diabetes. However, it is important to contact a doctor immediately if you notice any of these symptoms. There are many types of diabetes. Each type has a different onset time and varies in symptoms. It is important to keep track of these symptoms so that you can report them to the doctor. Early detection is key to better outcomes.


    It is generally divided into two types: Type One and Type Two. Type one is an auto-immune disorder in which the immune system attacks another part of the body. The attack is on the beta cells of your pancreas, which produce insulin. This type of diabetes is more common in children and young adults, but symptoms can occur at any age.

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    Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes. It accounts for nearly 90% of all cases. However, symptoms can occur at any age. Type 2 diabetes patients are almost all overweight. Both types have similar symptoms, including fatigue, nausea, weight loss, frequent urine, thirst, blurred vision, and fatigue. With proper treatment and planning, patients diagnosed with diabetes can enjoy a better quality life. A healthy diet and regular exercise are the most important aspects of diabetes treatment. Other forms of treatment include insulin and oral drugs.

    Type 2 Diabetes

    Did you know that Santa Claus was diagnosed as having Type 2 Diabetes? I was shocked to think that this could have happened to my beloved old soul. It is amazing that Santa is still alive after all the abuse he has suffered. Santa is a smoker. Do you remember seeing Santa with a wreath of smoke around his neck? It’s impossible to smoke without someone else smoking, and because he is often alone in the photos, it must be a smoker. How many times have we seen Santa with a Coca Cola in hand and a big smile on his face? All soft drinks contain High-Fructose Corn syrup (HFCS). This product is 20x sweeter than sugarcane.

    Bakers and soft drink manufacturers can use less HFCS sugar and less cane sugar to make higher profits. It can also be used in juice, jams and condiments. High Fructose Corn syrup is actually worse. The liver reacts to HFCS by stimulating fat production, which in turn leads to weight gain. HFCS doesn’t induce hunger so you (or Santa!) are more likely to eat or drink excessively, leading to large weight gains. How many people give Santa a glass with milk and a few cookies? These cookies are usually made by industrial bakers, and they use HFCS in their preparation.

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    Sugar Cookie

    The “Sugar Cookie”, which has been voted the most popular holiday cookie, is decorated with red and green sugar sprinkles (just add extra empty carbs). White flour can also be used to make the cookies. The grains have lost all their nutrients, so the only thing left are empty carbohydrates (another source for calories). Santa knows that he has a problem, and wants to improve his overall health. He went to his family doctor, an allopathic physician, for diagnosis and treatment. He was told that there was no cure or treatment for diabetes, but they could manage his condition with drugs. They could also start insulin treatments if his condition deteriorates.

    Mrs. Claus had a few words to say about this and encouraged Santa to visit Dr Noth Pole, a holistic physician. Dr Pole explained to Santa that he was living a sedentary lifestyle and had been consuming too much empty carbohydrates, too few proteins and fats (and also consuming the wrong types of fats). Dr Pole explained that carbohydrates are energy sources, but not more.


    However, proteins and fats are energy resources plus build tissue, bone, transport molecules and balance pH. They also help maintain a normal body pressure, protect organs and transport nutrients, regulate body temperature, and hormones synthesize. He explained that proteins and fats from grass-fed beef, pastured poultry and grass-fed milk products are healthy, while meat from grocery stores is very unhealthy.

    Dr Pole was careful to emphasize that Santa needs carbohydrates in form of vegetables, preferably uncooked. While some fruits are acceptable, he explained that they should not be consumed as juices and that fruits can be a source of sugar. Santa is concerned about his image and the example that he sets for children. He has pledged to quit smoking and stop consuming unhealthy empty carbohydrates, such as soft drinks, cookies and cold cereals, breads, potatoes and other sweeteners.

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