
    What to know about Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment?

    Aplastic Anemia refers to a medical condition that causes a decrease in the production of red blood cells, white cells, and platelets. The condition is thought to be caused by immune dysfunction. 20% of the causes are inherited while 80% are acquired. These acquired causes include unknown factors, drug reactions, infections, and exposure to toxic substances. This condition can lead to severe anemia, bleeding, fever, or recurrent infections that may prove fatal. Modern management includes blood transfusions, immuno-suppressive therapy and bone marrow transplant.


    Modern management has made this condition much easier to manage, but the prognosis for most patients is still poor. These patients often seek alternative treatment to improve their chances of a cure or to improve their condition. A growing number of patients are turning to Ayurvedic practitioners for help is a sign of how serious the condition is. Ayurvedic treatment can be used to manage aplastic anemia. It treats the root cause, controls the symptoms and prevents infection.

    Ayurvedic treatment aims to improve immunity and treat the root cause of the condition. Herbal medicines play a significant role in boosting bone marrow to normalise production of red blood cells, white cells, and platelets. Immunomodulatory therapy can help speed up the recovery process and prevent relapses. Ayurvedic medicines can also be used to improve the resistance power and functioning of important body systems to prevent recurrent infections that could prove fatal.

    Ayurvedic Medicine

    Ayurvedic medicines can also be used to treat infections if they are present. This will help speed up recovery for those affected. To see significant improvement in patients with aplasticanemia, herbal medicines must be administered for six to nine months in high doses. These medicines not only affect the bone marrow, but also regulate the overall dysfunctional metabolic rate of the body and ensure optimal functioning of all important organs. It is important that you start treatment as soon as possible to get the best results. It is important to encourage patients to begin Ayurvedic treatment as soon as possible to ensure a complete cure.

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    A majority of relatives of patients with aplastic anemia will only consider Ayurvedic treatment after exhausting all other medical options. This is why most people with aplasticanemia are referred to Ayurvedic practitioners when they are in the final stage of their illness. This means that the patient must be managed in hospital intensive care. The focus of treatment shifts to symptomatic and conservative management rather than treating the root cause. It is crucial to start Ayurvedic treatment as soon as possible.

    Shilajit Benefits

    Shilajit is an ayurvedic herb that is extremely powerful. It has been used for centuries to treat various ailments. Shilajit is also known by the names Asphaltum (mineral pitch), and fulvic acid. Shilajit has been used extensively by ancient ayurvedic doctors as well as modern doctors to treat various ailments that are otherwise difficult to treat. Due to its wide range of actions, Shilajit has been a powerful agent that has made its presence known around the world. Here are some uses for Shilajit.

    • Antioxidant – Shilajit has been regarded as one of the strongest anti-oxidants. It is very hungry for free radicals. These free radicals can cause early aging changes in the body. Shilajit immediately attacks any free radicals in the body and expels them through urine. It is very beneficial in locking down your age and restoring your youthful zest.
    • Aphrodisiac- Shilajit is well-known for its aphrodisiac properties. Shilajit has been the preferred herb for increasing sexual power and vigor since time immemorial. It improves stamina, endurance, and helps the body perform at its best. Shilajit can also increase the quality and quantity of sperm. It is a great supplement to keep you active and healthy throughout your life.
    • Diabetes – Shilajit, one of the most effective agents for treating diabetes, is Shilajit. In ayurvedic texts, Shilajit should be administered to patients with high sugar levels. Clinically, Shilajit has been shown to be extremely beneficial in maintaining normal sugar levels. Shilajit regulates the body’s sugar metabolism. It stimulates the pancreas and secretes the required amount of insulin to maintain normal sugar levels.
    • General body tonic – Shilajit is one the most effective body tonics. It helps to overcome the weak condition of the body by supplementing minerals and vitamins that are often deficient.
    • Urinary problems- Shilajit is a blessing to those who have urinary problems. Shilajit has proven its worth in treating all types of urinary problems. It is also useful in preventing the development of a urinary tract infection. It is diuretic and can help restore normal function to the urinary system. It increases the absorption of minerals and vitamins in the intestines, so that only waste products are eliminated and essential products are absorbed into the body. It can also be beneficial in cases such as kidney calculi and kidney stones. Shilajit can also be used to maintain a healthy urinary tract, and eliminate any urinary problems.
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