
    Are There Home Remedies For Yeast Infection That Work?

    Are you looking for a home remedy to a yeast infection? Candida albicans is responsible for yeast infections. It is found in every person, as it helps our bodies function. Candida can grow outof control when given the chance, regardless of whether it is due stress, a lowered immune response, or another infection.

    Let’s see…

    For something as common, many people would prefer to skip the doctor’s visit. It can take up to a week to get an appointment with a doctor. While most prescription and over-the-counter medications can be helpful in treating symptoms, they don’t address the root cause.

    A home remedy may be more effective in addressing the root cause of the infection. There are many home remedies. They are simple to use and most effective.

    Take note

    • Plain Yogurt. It is a popular home remedy. Plain yogurt should contain live Lactobacillus acidophilus culture. This yogurt can be used directly to treat the infection. The yogurt can be frozen in a tampon shape and inserted into the vagina to treat a vaginal problem. You can also inject frozen yogurt into your vagina using a needle-less, disposable syringe. Or, dip a real tampon in the yogurt and insert it later.
    • Garlic is another home remedy for yeast infections. Garlic is very useful because of its anti-fungal properties. Make a tampon shape from the garlic cloves. You could even sew them together using strong thread. Securely attach a string to make it easy to remove. For several hours, insert the string into your vagina before you remove it. If the string is not secure, you can pull the garlic cloves out by placing your hand on the toilet and using the vaginal muscles to push them off.
    • Tea tree oil is another natural home remedy. Tea tree oil, which is from Australia has many anti-fungal as well as anti-bacterial properties. Use a few drops of the oil to mix with a carrier oil such as sweet almond oil or olive oils. Apply the mixture directly on the affected area. Tea tree oil can quickly clear up an infection. Tea tree oil is strong and should be discussed with your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. A home remedy for yeast infections can be a great option. Try it next time and see if it works better.
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