
    Are There Odd Remedies That Work?

    My father’s favorite home remedy was to suggest that you stand on one side and gargle peanut butter. This is a great way to get a little laugh and then the questioner moves on to finding someone to answer the question or solve their problem. He won’t do this for serious matters, but he will most likely reply to the silly stuff. This solution works only for him and does not solve the problem of the other person.


    These remedies should work well for most people. However, you may need to consult your doctor if some of them are not working.

    • Almond Oil: This oil is a favorite among massage therapists because it is both lubricating as well as beneficial to the body. This is not a strange use, but it does have one caveat: it may stop ear pains. There are two ways to use this oil, but I recommend the first because it can be dangerous. To make it safer, put a teaspoon of oil in each ear. Then, insert a cotton ball to keep the oil there. You can warm the oil by heating one match of cardboard under the spoon. Although it’s tempting to heat the oil with a lighter, I recommend that you do not heat it. It can damage your hearing if it gets too hot. Before you apply the remedy, consult your doctor or your child’s pediatrician.
    • Rub the peel on cracked heels. It should be left on for 20 minutes before you rinse it off. Continue to rinse it off as necessary for the next few days, until the cracks are healed.
    • Black Walnuts – The useful part of this procedure is the green hulls of unripened nuts. If poison ivy or its itchy cousins are present, cut into the hull to apply the juice to the rash. You should be careful as the juice can stain everything it touches.
    • Cloves: Although the best way to use this remedy would be to purchase the oil, the clove can also be used. Apply a little clove oil to sensitive teeth. Or chew a clove and ensure it gets on the sensitive area. It may cause a slight burning sensation and possibly burn your gums. This spice contains the chemical eugenol, which is a topical anesthetic. While it won’t be able to replace a visit to the dentist, it will provide some relief until then.
    • Grape seeds: You can do a lot for your body by eating grape seeds. Research suggests that seeds may be beneficial in reducing heart disease, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, as well as cancer. You should chew the seeds first before you eat them. They are too hard to digest and will pass through your body without any health benefits.
    • Onions: A raw onion can help speed up the healing process for bruises. It is easiest to tie a slice or raw onion over the bruise, and leave it for at least six hours. The bruise should look better after you have removed the onion. You can also add chopped raw onion and salt to the bruise. It should be left for the same time. Many people believe that salt is better than the other.
    • Potatoes – Are you out of aloe vera? You can also treat small burns by scraping a raw potato. The water content in the potato will help to remove heat from the burn without sealing it in. It may also help to ease the pain.
    • Tobacco: Although smoking is dangerous, there is one possible benefit to tobacco. It could be used as a draw agent in the same way that baking soda is used. To draw out the venom from an insect bite or sting, place dampened tobacco on top.
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