
    Are There Proven Head Lice Home Remedies?

    Head lice infestation is when your child has a reddish blotch on their head and neck, along with tiny dandruff-like particles on every hair strand. This article will show you five proven home remedies to get rid of head lice infestation in your child’s head.

    Take note

    • Vinegar – This is a well-known home remedy for head lice. Mix 2 teaspoons vinegar with 6 teaspoons water. Apply a cotton wad to your child’s scalp, or to the roots of their hair before you go to sleep. Wrap your child’s head with cloth. Make sure it stays there all night. This will completely remove lice from your child’s head if you do it at least twice per week. This is also a great way to get rid of dandruff.
    • Ground custard apples – Use ground custard apples. It should be a paste-like consistency. Add in enough water to make it a paste. This should be applied on your child’s head, and left to dry overnight. Cover your child’s head with a towel. Next day, shampoo your hair. This will get rid of lice and nits.
    • Extract the juice from the onion. Apply the juice to your child’s hair. Apply the onion extract to the scalp, extending it to the ends of the hair. The onion’s sulfur will remove lice from your child’s head and hair. For three consecutive days, repeat the process. The nits will not be removed until the second or third day. This is one of your best head lice home remedies.
    • Garlic and Lemon Juice: Take a clove of garlic and grind it. Add a little lemon juice to make it. This mixture can be used to massage your child’s head before she/he goes back to sleep. Give your child a head bath the next day. The garlic’s chemicals will kill the lice. Wash your child’s head to get rid of lice. This should be done for five days to ensure your child is lice-free.
    • Coconut Oil and Camphor – Get some coconut oil. You can also add a little camphor powder to the oil. Before you go to bed, apply the oil to your child’s head. Wash the child’s head with shampoo the next morning. This should be repeated for four days to make it more effective.
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