
    Are There Safe Home Remedies For Nail Fungus?

    Nail fungus, also known medically as onychomycosis or onychomycosis is caused primarily by a fungus belonging to the dermatophytes family. Other fungal organisms, such as yeasts and molds, can also cause nail infection. It can be painful and more severe than it is for the fingernails.

    Fungal Infection

    The infection occurs when the fungus enters the nail through a small cut. It can also get into the nail through a gap between the nail and the nail bed. Nail fungus infection can cause brittle nails, thickened nails, discoloration, and distorted nails. Onycholysis is when infected nails can become detached from the nail bed.

    Fungus infection can cause permanent damage to your nails and affect the appearance of your fingers and toes. This infection can also cause complications in people with diabetes or leukemia. It can be difficult to treat nail fungal infections.

    Home Remedies

    There are home remedies that can be used to treat nail fungus. Warm water and vinegar should be mixed in a 1:1 ratio. Soak your feet for 20 minutes. Next, wash your feet thoroughly and dry them. Do this every day.

    Vinegar can also help to remove fungus on your fingernails. Keep your feet clean and trimmed. Regularly change your socks. Wear cotton socks and shoes that are well-fitting.

    Open sandals and flip flops are best as they allow for adequate ventilation. Avoid nail polish.

    Epsom salt is one of the best home remedies for nail fungal disease. Add three-quarter cup Epsom salt to a bowl of warm water. For about twenty minutes, immerse your toes in the solution. Repeat this process two times daily.

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    It is important to wear rubber gloves whenever you are doing household chores, such as washing dishes and laundry, in order to treat fingernail fungal infections. Hydrogen peroxide can be used to treat both fingernail and toenail fungus infections. For five minutes, dip a cotton pad in hydrogen peroxide. Repeat this process three to five times per day. You can also treat nail fungus by using hydrogen peroxide and water at a 1:1 ratio. Dip your nails in the solution for approximately fifteen minutes and then dry your hands thoroughly. This is the best way to treat multiple infected fingernails or toenails.


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