
    How are Cycling and Erectile Dysfunction related?

    Cycling is a popular sport that is both enjoyable and international. Many people enjoy cycling as a pastime, a way to travel, or as part of a sporting event such the Tour de France. Most people think of the dangers and health consequences of riding a bicycle. They also fear being hit by a car on the road and suffering head injuries. There are three main sexual health problems that cycling can cause: penile numbness (pillow pain), impotence, and pelvic pain in men. What causes it? The pubic bone is where the pudendal blood vessels, which supply the penis with blood, are located.

    Blood Vessel

    These blood vessels are compressed when you sit on a bicycle saddle. This can cause injury by reducing the oxygen supply to the nerves. Tingling, which may be intermittent, is the first sign of nerve injury. Depending on the individual, this tingling may not be too bothersome. This symptom is usually an indication that the man should seek medical attention. The injury can almost always be reversed in its early stages. Most men ignore the tingling and think they have been riding too long. This is because they don’t know that an injury like impotence can be reversed. If left untreated, the effects can lead to numbness, pain in the pelvis and penile, and erectile dysfunction or impotence. Once the injury has reached this stage, it is often very difficult to reverse the damage to the podendal nerves. In 2002, the Journal of Andrology published an evaluation of police officers who used bicycles for their jobs.

    Each officer spent an average of five hours a day on their bicycle. 91% of officers experienced intermittent numbness in their groins or penis. The study also examined the night-time erections by these same officers. These men had fewer nighttime abortions than non-cyclists. This is another sign of pudendal nerve injury. The greater the chance of injury, the longer you spend on the bike saddle.


    How common is erectile dysfunction in cyclists? Conflicting data was published by the Journal of Urology in 2004. It found that 17% of 688 cyclists had erectile dysfunction. This number is not higher than the general population. Studies have shown that men who ride for more than 3 hours per week increase their risk of developing erectile dysfunction. How can a male cyclist protect himself from the dangers of erectile dysfunction while still enjoying cycling? Ergonomic adjustments can reduce the pressure under the pubic bone and decrease blood vessel compression.

    • Wearing proper, padded cycling shorts.
    • Professional evaluation of the bicycle and the fit of its saddle. The pressure points should not be at the pubic bone but on the sit bones – the ischial tuberosities.
    • Use a wider saddle with more padding. It would be worth the effort and time spent to find the right fit.
    • Use a blunt or noseless strap. This reduces the pressure on the pudendal veins. A study showed that a noseless saddle reduced pineal tingling by 73% to 18%.
    • Keep the bicycle saddle parallel to ground. It is better to tilt the saddle slightly downwards than upwards.
    • Limit the time spent crouching over the racing bars. A forward-flexed position increases blood vessel compression. It is hard to imagine men quitting cycling because it is such a relaxing pastime and sport.
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    Many people will continue to ride, with no problems. It is important to be aware of possible injury. Pudendal artery compression is something male cyclists should be aware. They should also be aware of any numbness, tingling, or discomfort in their penis, even if these seem to be temporary. This is a warning sign that nerve damage may be present. In some cases, it can lead to more severe injuries, such as erectile dysfunction (ED), or impotence. If you feel tingling after riding, a male cyclist should consult your urologist. Men should consider the following ergonomic suggestions: These measures can help prevent serious and potentially irreversible injuries. They could save your erectile health and masculine health.

    Natural Treatments

    Erectile dysfunction and impotence are two different terms. Impotence refers to the complete inability to erection. This is usually due to nerve damage. However, many men have been able overcome this issue with medical intervention. Most ED problems can be fixed. This article will explain how. According to the National Institutes of Health statistics, between 15 and 30 million men in America suffer from erectile dysfunction. Statistics show that over 35% of men aged 40 and older complained of erectile disorder, while more than 50% of those 65 years old and older also suffered from it.

    Erectile dysfunction can be caused by any interruption or blockage in the process. Low testosterone levels are another common cause of ED. Smoking can also cause ED because the blood flow in the veins or arteries is restricted. Penile erection is therefore impossible. Smoking has been a major cause of many diseases, including cancer and other respiratory illnesses. Other factors that can contribute to ED problems include obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, triglyceride levels and Metabolic syndrome & age. ED is more common in men over 35.

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    Take Note

    • Multiple Sclerosis: ED is more common in men with MS because the nerves are directly affected.
    • Erectile Dysfunction: Erectile Dysfunction is a risk factor for diabetics. The rate increases with age.
    • Parkinson Disease: This is another risk factor for low sexual potency, and it is often overlooked.
    • Depression can be both psychological and physical. Antidepressants can make it worse. He starts to lose touch with his family and friends, so he creates a wall between them.
    • Obese men are more likely to experience erectile dysfunction. Daily exercise can help you overcome this risk.

    Natural Remedies

    Prelox is a combination L-arginine, an amino acid essential and pcynogenal that is extracted from the Maritime Pine tree. Natural remedies, also known as Naturopathic, have been proven safe and effective for millions of men around the world. More men are turning to natural remedies because of the potential side effects of pharmaceutical drugs such as Viagra and Cialis.

    Sex Therapy: It is always a good idea to include your partner in the therapy. The therapist will help the patient and his partner to have sex. Some women might suspect their husband of having an affair with another woman. A wife might also suspect that her husband is not physically attracted to them. It is important to communicate openly and honestly. Avoid dairy products, refined sugar, junk foods, and other fatty foods. Illegal drugs such as cocaine should be avoided.


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