
    How To Care For Myself And My Loved One?

    We often have to stop taking care of our own health and well-being when caring for a loved person through loss, addiction, illness, or temporary sickness. We are there to help our loved ones if they need medication or transportation to appointments. We are available to listen to their concerns and help them if they are hurting or in pain. We are available to provide a meal or a bath.

    Let’s see…

    We are available to clean their home and take care of their pets. We can provide endless love and support for those we love. This type of behavior can lead to depression, loneliness, aggravation, and eventually, resentment. We must take care of ourselves before we can take care of others.

    This is especially true if the loved one that you are caring for is so consumed by the journey they are on that they don’t often express gratitude or appreciate you. This can lead to emotional pain and physical exhaustion. As you watch your loved one suffer, your emotions may be hurt and your heart may feel heavy. This can drain your energy and time, and leave you with nothing in return. It is crucial to take care of yourself when caring for a loved person.

    Self Care

    You can start caring for yourself by getting enough quality sleep every night.

    • You should have a private place to sleep. This could mean that you will need to sleep in a separate bedroom from your partner.
    • Find a place where you can unwind. If you live with the loved one that you care for, take some time to unwind before you go to bed and get uninterrupted sleep.
    • Don’t feel guilty about taking care of yourself first. When we take care of ourselves, we can be better caregivers.
    • To get quality sleep, you can hire evening help. If you are unable to hire help financially, ask your family, friends, and/or the community for help. These groups are often willing to help. A little can go a long ways to give you the time and space to practice self-care, while also providing for your loved one with the things they need while you’re gone.
    • Ask for help. Asking for help allows family and friends to show their love by asking for it. We take away the opportunity for others to love and support us when we do everything ourselves. Even if it’s something as simple as bringing in your mail, don’t take it away from them.
    • Avoid using electronics before bedtime. Before bed, it is a good idea to avoid checking your email, social media, or laptop. These devices should be removed at least an hour before bed. All these devices can lighten the brain and delay healthy sleep patterns.
    • Breathe deeply when it is time for you to get up. Get out of bed and stretch your body gently. You will feel refreshed and ready to start your day. This article is for those who care for a loved one. You are a wonderful caregiver. You are an incredible person and you should take care of yourself! Don’t feel guilty, feel refreshed!
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