
    How To Take Care Of My Skin?

    All dermatologists and skin care professionals around the world agree that good hygiene and healthy eating habits are the best ways to treat acne. While there are many over-the-counter and prescribed medications that can be used to treat acne, most of them are ineffective long-term. I am going to share the best homemade acne treatments with you in this article.

    Natural Remedies

    • Apples and honey – This amazing homemade acne treatment requires you to grate an Apple first. Mix the grated apple with one tablespoon of honey. Combine the two until you have a paste. Apply the paste to the affected area and let it dry for 15-20 minutes. After this time, the honey/apple mixture should be dry on your skin. Wash your face with warm water after removing the honey/apple mixture. This “recipe” should be followed 2 to 3 times per week until your spots disappear.
    • Oatmeal – Many of you have probably heard of an oatmeal mask. This face mask is very effective in reducing oily skin. Mix the oatmeal with a little water until it forms a paste. Allow the paste to dry on your face for 20-30 minutes. Rinse your face with cold water to remove the paste. Cold water is particularly important as it helps to shrink your pores.
    • Herbs – Natural herbs are another great home remedy for acne. The use of herbs like yellow dock and burdock can help reduce pimples overnight. Tea-tree oil is the best natural remedy for acne. Tea-tree oil is a natural antiseptic that can quickly treat spots and acne.
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    Some of these homemade acne remedies may work for you while others may not. Remember that everyone has different skin types and skin tones. One person’s success may be another’s failure. You can try each of these amazing home remedies for acne to find the one that suits you best. Make sure to eat a healthy diet, drink lots of water, and get a good night’s rest. Acne should soon be gone!


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