
    Is Masturbation benefitial for me?

    Masturbation is a very popular activity for both men and women, although it is more popular for men. Many articles have been written about the health benefits of regular and/or frequent masturbation. These include the possible effects on penis health. Many people are still stigmatized by masturbation and would not have believed that it could be a benefit to their careers. In fact, many people would associate frequent masturbation as being less involved in their careers and therefore less successful.


    Recent research shows that masturbation can actually be beneficial for a person’s career. This study has some limitations. It was conducted by a skin-care company, not an independent scientific body, so it may not have been as thorough in its design. The sample size of 1,012 people is not too bad, but it is still small compared to the millions of masturbating people. It is not clear how the number is broken down by gender distribution, sexual orientation, and age. Third, the 1,012 individuals are all masturbating before. This means that people who claim they have never masturbated are not included in the analysis.

    The survey does reveal some interesting results. It found that 96% of those who said they had ever masturbated were self-stimulating at least once a month. Similar findings from other studies support the conclusion that men masturbated on average 13 times per month more than women, compared to 6 times for women. Nearly 81% of masturbators were known to have sex with their friends more often than 70% of those who only masturbate occasionally.

    Career Benefits

    What about the career benefits? This survey, which acknowledges that there may have been flaws in its design, found that 85% of frequent masturbators were employed, compared to 75% of infrequent masturbators. On average, frequent masturbators earned more than $3,000 than infrequent masturbators. Could this be due to the fact that masturbators tend to get paid more than women, and are also more likely to be paid more? Want more? Nearly 36% of frequent masturbators were managers, compared to 25% for the infrequent group.

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    The frequent masturbators are less shy than the more infrequent. Nearly 23% of frequent masturbators have requested a raise in the last year, compared to just 15% for the infrequent group. Collectively, this data shows that masturbators are more confident about themselves, which leads to them asking for more and being selected for managerial positions at a higher salary than infrequent masturbators.

    This information does not mean that masturbators should dramatically increase their masturbation to make it more successful in their career. The study is flawed, as has been pointed out. It does give more support for those who want more masturbation but are self-conscious about it. Masturbation can be an enjoyable way to have fun, regardless of how it affects your career. Regular masturbators should use a top-quality penis health cream.

    Penis Health

    A recent study found that 95 percent of men admit to masturbating from time-to-time. It is possible that the remaining 5 percent are lying. Masturbation is the only sexual activity that doesn’t involve a partner. It’s also the easiest for a man to get down with his body within minutes of the idea entering his mind. Masturbating is a technique that men who aren’t really into it may find five great reasons to include this method in their penis routine. Continue reading to learn more.

    • Gentle touch can boost mental health. Although pharmaceutical companies would like their clients to believe happiness is available in prescription form, in reality, euphoria can easily be achieved by spending just 15 minutes alone. When a man is engaged in self-love, he is focused on his pleasure and not on the stress of the day. The brain releases a cocktail of feel-good chemicals that makes him happy. This infusion can last for hours and allow low moods or anxious moments to disappear.
    • Pleasure may reduce chronic pain. These happy chemicals can do more for a man than just improve his outlook. Some chemicals released by the brain during an orgasm may reduce the feeling of pain, at most for a short time. Men with chronically painful conditions such as masturbation may need to take pain medication to help with their pain. However, spanking the monkey can temporarily dull the pain signals.
    • Self-play can boost partner performance. Masturbation can help a man perform better in partner sex. Every little touch he makes to his body gives him a little more insight into what he likes, dislikes, and what he might be unable to handle. This information can be shared with his partner, which allows sessions to be enjoyable and pleasurable without being too abrupt. Masturbation can help men practice self control by recognizing when orgasm is coming and stepping away without losing momentum. This type of training can also help men last a little longer in a bag.
    • Too much can kill the pleasure. Masturbation can be a positive thing, but some men get too attached to their own methods and may use techniques that are impossible for another person to replicate. Although all of these actions may feel great, a partner might not experience the same sensations when they are in bed together. These men might not enjoy their partner’s sex as much and may only end up doing it on their own. This problem can be prevented by sticking to the traditional and mixing it with partner sex.
    • It can cause damage if done improperly. Masturbation is generally safe, enjoyable, and healthy. Men who neglect to use lubricants in the pursuit of pleasure could endanger delicate tissues with every pull. Friction can cause skin to crack and flake, and the underlying support structures may twist and turn under pressure.
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