
    What are Common Migraine Symptoms and Triggers?

    Migraine sufferers have different experiences. This sounds simple, but it’s surprising how many people assume that a migraine is a migraine. This is simply not true. One’s migraine disorder may be as individual as the person who suffers from it. Many suffer from migraine headaches. Chronic migraines can become very debilitating if they are more frequent. One, chronic migraines can be very debilitating because the pain will only get worse over time if it is not treated.


    You may also experience nausea and swelling. You can live a normal life by learning about migraine triggers, symptoms, treatment options (including surgical procedures), and regain control over your condition. There are many triggers that can cause migraines. These ferocious headaches can be caused by stress and depression. Even people who don’t have the disorder can suffer from tension headaches due to stress. Migraines can be caused by long-term stress or depression.

    A migraine headache can also be caused by hormonal imbalances. These hormonal imbalances can cause migraine headaches by affecting nerves in the neck or head. Migraines are those that occur frequently. Chronic migraines are more common in women who have hormonal imbalances. This is because their hormones change throughout the month. Migraine headaches can also be caused by underlying health issues such as tumors or growths. Migraines can present in the same way as regular migraine headaches. The most obvious symptom of migraines is a pounding, pulsating pain.

    Good to knows

    This can be combined to cause a variety of symptoms such as nausea, auras, mild hallucinations and blurry vision. A migraine can last from a few hours to several days. Therefore, it is important to rest once the headache has started. Chronic migraines are different from regular headaches because they occur more often. Migraines can be treated in a variety of ways, just like all migraines.

    Lifestyle changes can reduce the intensity, duration, and frequency of migraine attacks. It is also possible to take daily preventative medication, in addition to pain-relieving medications. Chronic sufferers may find that medication is not always effective or sufficient. Patients have chosen to have migraine surgery in these cases. There are many options. One is the cauterization and enlarging of the superficial blood vessels. Another involves the removal of nerves or muscles at trigger sites. A surgery can be performed to correct a congenital defect in the heart for people who have an underlying condition.

    Migraine Attacks

    The initial ever migraine attack I acquired was when I was 15 yrs . old. I had been cycling down a hill in my own home town. Without the warning I lost view in both eye and had an unbelievable pain shoot through my mind simultaneously. It was only all the best and someone watching over me that halted me crashing headlong in to the traffic before me. There is no warning. The migraine simply struck. Which is how it begins for most people who obtain migraines – it comes correct out of the blue. There are a great number of things that can result in migraines. The almost 30 million individuals who suffer from migraines in the us alone gives you a concept of the dimension of this issue.

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    There are many explanations why individuals suffer from migraines. Factors behind migraines in individuals can range from a side-effect of medicine, food, as well as stress. The pain is frequently preceded by warning symptoms, which may be blind spots, tingling, nausea or vomiting or increased sensitivity to lighting and sound – they are known as auras.


    Some migraine patients get no caution at all though – I’ve never experienced visual auras. Now and then I’ll get yourself a bitter taste in my own mouth right before a migraine begins. The excruciating discomfort of a migraine can final for hours as well as days and sometimes discomfort meds can’t continue. If you cope with migraines frequently, you will commence to notice the warning symptoms and start an activity of stopping them. Migraines are often brought on because the arteries around the human brain enlarge and the nerve fibers discharge chemicals round the large arteries in the mind.

    These chemicals then cause irritation, pain, and additional enlargement of the artery externally of the skull. This leads to the nervous program to react by forcing on emotions to be nauseated, diarrhea, and vomiting. In addition, it affects food absorption, decreases the circulation of blood and can increase sensitivity to lighting and sound. Sometimes those who are encountering a migraine need to go in a totally dark and quiet area to get a semblance of reduction (myself for example). In the event that you experience migraines regularly, then it would be smart to speak to your family physician about it.


    Sometimes it could be a lack of rest, hormone changes, lack of food as well as continuing to use alcoholic beverages and tobacco. I’ve noticed an extremely definite decrease in my very own migraines since i have reduced my smoking routine to almost zero.

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    Keep track of all your Migraine related information. This is one of the most effective and simple ways to take control of your health. A good headache specialist will ask for a Migraine diary. This should include the dates and duration of your Migraines and any other symptoms or triggers. It could also include how much sleep you have had, what foods you ate, and what medications you used. Without this information, your doctor will not be able to determine if the treatments are effective. It is just as important to keep a migraine log for your doctor as it is for you.

    Knowledge is Power

    Remember that knowledge is power. You have power when you know more about yourself, your body and your processes. You can track Migraine triggers to identify new ones and learn how to avoid them. It takes time to get control of your migraines. If you only see a 5% improvement each month, you will have only 56% more migraines in a year. Imagine what you could do with all those pain-free, pain-free days!

    If you don’t keep track, how do you know if there has been a 5% improvement? We need something to compare against, not just our feelings. Your Migraine brain is unique. Your triggers, combination triggers, Migraine patterns and treatment strategies will be different from others. This information must be yours alone. Another reason to keep track of your Migraines, and the factors that impact them, is the impact they have on your daily life. This information is crucial if you are ever in a situation where you have to apply for disability.


    You will need to prove that you are unable or unable work for a specific period of time. The more documentation you have, the better. If your doctor does not ask you about it tell him or her how many days you missed work due to migraines. Ask him or her to add that information to your medical records. This documentation is essential if you ask an insurance company or government benefit program to grant you disability.

    If you have both medical records and your own records about your disability, you will be in a better position. How do you go about it? There are many online migraine diaries. I use a form that I created that allows me to see both the calendar as well as the details for each day. You can add additional factors as you need them. It is important to make a habit out of recording everything.

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    No matter what you use, make sure to keep all important papers together. You can use a loose-leaf notebook to keep your medical records, prescription forms and diary pages. The notebook can be used to keep any questions or instructions for your doctor. You can also take it with you to appointments. You can keep everything in one place.

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