Sexual Activity

Lack of potency or erectile dysfunction can have a number of negative effects on a man's health and well-being. This condition can be an early indicator of underlying health problems, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes or hormonal imbalances. The inability to achieve or maintain a sufficient erection can be...
After a few doses, Eremax capsules can improve male potency. Men are increasingly suffering from erection issues and potency disorders. Causes vary but are mainly divided into psychological and physical risk factors. Stress, for instance, can be as damaging to erection issues as cardiovascular disorders. It is therefore vital to find an effective...
Many men today struggle with sexual dysfunction. There are many factors which can reduce the male sexual performance, and even cause men to stop having sex. Stress, unhealthy eating habits, lack of physical activity, medications, and illnesses are the most common factors that cause dysfunction. Many men face daily problems that can...
Are you having problems with your erections? Men struggle over and over with "their best piece". Why does it not work like you imagined? Erectile dysfunction can be caused by many things: stress, illness, psychological pressure, or fear of failing. In order to determine whether erectile problems or erection issues are a sign...
Erectile dysfunction occurs in many people and gets worse with age. According to studies, erectile dysfunction affects 10% of men aged 40-50 years, and almost 40% among those aged 60-70 years. It is believed that many cases of potency disorders go unreported due to the embarrassment men feel when they...
Probably the most frustrating issues for a sexually active man is certainly when he can't get yourself a gal to climax through intercourse solely. As much as I like to go down on a woman and use my fingers and hands to stimulate her, you'll find nothing quite like...