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    Comment Cardione contribue-t-il à améliorer la régulation de la pression artérielle ?

    High blood pressure, whose medical term is hypertension, develops gradually. Often, we only become aware of its consequences when serious consequences, such as a stroke, occur. Worldwide, hypertension is on the list of the top ten most threatening diseases. But it doesn’t have to go that far. There are a number of preparations that are effective against hypertension that are purely plant-based. These natural products are invaluable, especially for prophylaxis, as they can ensure normal blood pressure with natural ingredients.

    We can say that high blood pressure affects more than 30% of the world’s adult population. It is the main risk factor for some diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, especially coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease. In addition, it may also be related to chronic kidney disease, heart failure and dementia. We speak of hypertension when systolic blood pressure is greater than or equal to 140 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 90 mmHg. These figures are based on evidence that treatment to lower blood pressure below these levels is beneficial. This definition is valid for all age groups except children.

    What is Cardione?

    Cardione is a food supplement in capsule form. With purely natural ingredients, it is intended to help stabilize blood pressure and can also be used to prevent hypertension. Therefore, you can also take the capsules to prevent hypertension. Behind the name Cardione hides a purely herbal dietary supplement in capsule form that can be used to reduce blood pressure levels naturally.

    Due to its special composition, the preparation can also be taken by people who are sensitive to prescription antihypertensives. Its valuable ingredients in high doses should not only reduce existing hypertension, but also prevent hypotension and at the same time improve the well-being of the user.

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    Who is Cardione suitable for?

    This dietary supplement is suitable for anyone who wants to bring their blood pressure back under control with the help of herbal extracts or prevent hypertension. As the capsules are composed exclusively of natural ingredients, there is no risk of interactions with other medications.

    Consommation et dosage

    Taking the capsules is simple and straightforward. Take two capsules a day, preferably at breakfast, with plenty of liquid. The recommended dose should not be exceeded, even if it is a natural food supplement.

    Can side effects occur?

    These blood pressure capsules consist of purely plant-based ingredients and are generally well tolerated. Neither the manufacturer nor users have reported any side effects.

    When can expect the Effect?

    Each person reacts differently to food supplements that affect the cardiovascular system. It is therefore not possible to give a generalized answer to this question, but our test person experienced the first successes after a short time. Customer comments also state that the preparation works quickly.

    Ingredients of Cardione

    Calcium, magnésium, fer, cuivre, zinc, manganèse, sélénium, chrome, molybdène, vitamine A, vitamine D, vitamine E, vitamine K, vitamine B1 (thiamine), vitamine B2 (riboflavine), niacine, acide pantothénique, vitamine B6, acide folique, vitamine B12, biotine, vitamine C.

    Advantages and Disadvantages

    This highly effective natural product provides long-lasting support for the cardiovascular system. It can reduce blood pressure and is well tolerated. The capsules are subject to strict quality controls. The capsules are easy to take and have an absolutely neutral taste.


    • Support blood pressure in the normal range
    • Easy to take
    • Neutral taste
    • Saving offers
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    • Uniquement disponible en ligne
    • Non disponible en pharmacie

    Cardione Evaluation

    When you buy Cardione capsules, you are choosing a purely herbal preparation that can help you normalize your blood pressure or prevent hypertension. The good tolerability and excellent effect have been confirmed by numerous customers. Therefore, you are buying a product that is good for you and your health.


    Cardione is a natural and well-tolerated dietary supplement that can be taken over a long period of time without hesitation to alleviate high blood pressure and associated symptoms. Based on our research, we can state with 100% certainty that it is a proven and effective preparation. Moreover, it is easy to integrate into everyday life.

    If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from hypertension and cannot tolerate prescription medication, Cardione could be an alternative. Unfortunately, counterfeit preparations and products are increasingly being sold on the Internet. To avoid purchasing these counterfeit products, you should only buy the preparation from reputable sources. You can purchase the original product here: Cardione Original


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