Bouffées de chaleur - Aide à l'autonomie

Most women find menopause difficult. This is when hormones stop being produced by the ovaries. This stage is common for women in their 50's. It is impossible to control menopause and all the symptoms that it brings. There are ways to avoid the symptoms from becoming overwhelming.Herbal Remedies For the...
Hot flashes can be a common occurrence, but they don't have to be. There is ample evidence that hot flashes can be prevented by healthy lifestyle choices, exercise, and a healthy diet. You should include more soy in your daily meal plan. Tofu can also be prepared in a...
Many women are looking for a home remedy to relieve symptoms of menopause, given the high risk factors associated HRT (hormone-replacement therapy). A home remedy for menopause might seem like something that can be made in the family bath. The truth is that the definition of home remedy for...
When vagina isn't properly lubricated then this problem is called vaginal dryness. For this reason problem lovemaking furthermore becomes much less pleasurable and our day to day activities also become unpleasant. It is most common over menopause in fact it is also the normal cause of painful intercourse.Vaginal Dryness This...