Infection des voies urinaires

Prostatitis is an inflammatory condition of the prostate that can pose risks to men's health. If not treated properly, it can lead to serious complications. According to the Urological Association, prostatitis can increase the risk of developing urinary problems, recurrent infections, erectile dysfunction, and even prostate cancer. Chronic prostatitis can...
Night-time enuresis is also known as bedwetting. It can be very frustrating and upsetting for both parents and children. While most children will stop bedwetting on their terms if they can, it is not common for them to do so without the support of their parents or doctors.Bedwetting It is...
The pain that's associated with a urinary system infection is a few of the worst pain a woman can proceed through in her living. This pain is sharp, unexpected and it offers no comfort from anyone who has this an infection. You know how lousy this discomfort feels and...
Urinary incontinence refers to a medical condition that causes urine leakage, which can occur involuntarily or at odd times. Because of its devastating effects, this problem can be very distressing for patients. Incontinence problems are common as our bladder muscles weaken as we age.Bladder Health They may not be able...
Bladder infection occurs when bacteria gets into the bladder. Cystitis is another name for it. Because the urethra's length is shorter than that of men, this causes infection from bacteria outside. A bladder infection can present as pain in the bladder or pain during urination. You may feel the...
A home remedy for a urinary tract infection can be very effective in curing the problem. Natural treatments are preferred by many people for their effectiveness and better health. Many people are shocked to discover that home remedies can be more effective than drug and harsh antibiotic treatments.Home Remedies They...
Many people suffering from frequent UTI's look for a home remedy for their urinary tract infection. Your body may be trying to tell your body something if you have frequent infections and are tired of the constant struggle to find the cause and the frequent trips to the doctor.UTI Your...
Home remedies are becoming more popular as a way to relieve certain ailments. We will share the best home remedies for a recurring urinary tract infection. Urinary tract infections (UTI) are often caused by bacteria like Escherichiacoli, which is found in the colon. The urinary tract actually consists of...
Description: Cranberries are a rare fruit. They can only survive and grow in a special combination of conditions: they need acid peat soil, adequate fresh water supply, and sand. Also, they need a long chilling period during winter to allow them to mature their fruiting buds.Properties and uses Anti-oxidant. Anti-bilious....
Women are more likely to get a urinary tract infection than pregnant women. The symptoms are not uncommon and don't vary from person to person. You feel a strong urge to go to the bathroom. Once there, you will notice a decrease in urine production and a burning sensation.Symptoms You...