
    How to relieve Ocular Migraine?

    Ocular migraine, also known as Acephalalgic, ophthalmic, optical, silent, and ophthalmic, is a type of migraine that lasts between 15-20 minutes and is often not accompanied by pain. It can occur with or without a headache. Ocular migraine is a neurological condition that can cause abnormal visual sensations, nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound.


    The first step to finding the right treatment is recognizing the symptoms of migraine headache. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and visual problems associated with migraine auras such as flashes, zigzag light in one’s visual area, light sensitivity and temporary loss of vision. To determine the cause of ocular headaches, it is important to examine the eyes first.

    It is important to realize that it is not the eyes that cause ocular migraines. But, it is the neurological activities taking place in the brain. Common triggers for migraines include hormonal changes, food reactions, such as caffeine (coffee or chocolate), alcohol (red wine), and food reactions like food reactions.

    Take Into Account

    These factors increase your risk of developing ocular migraines. These factors can be avoided to reduce strain on the eye’s blood vessels. Ocular migraine is not treatable, but there are preventative measures and medications that can be used to reduce the severity and prevent it from recurring.

    Your doctor will be able to identify the symptoms of your eye headache and recommend the best treatment. To speed up the relief of migraine symptoms, you can learn to relax and stay calm. Eye migraine is not a sign that you have a serious problem with your eyes. It’s simply a symptom.

      How To Relieve My Migraine?

    Take Note

    • It is a good idea to stare at green objects and things constantly. Because green objects are known to reduce straining the eyes.
    • Always eat healthy and adequate food. As mentioned above, the most common triggers for ocular migraines are unhealthy foods. These foods include processed foods, MSB, aged cheese, chocolate, and other unhealthy foods. This will help to prevent ocular migraines from happening. To help straighten your vision, eat calcium-rich foods or take its supplements.
    • Drink enough water to stay hydrated. Avoid any substances that could trigger eye migraines. Avoid certain smells and odors that can trigger your migraine. Reduce your exposure to the computer screen. Take breaks whenever possible and relax your eyes. To avoid the sun’s harmful effects, you can wear glasses.


    These preventive and medication measures will reduce the likelihood of you suffering from eye migraine attacks. It is much easier to prevent eye headaches than to suffer from the visual disturbances that it causes. It is always a good idea to consult your eye doctor before you take any medication for your ocular headache relief.

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