
    How To Stop Chronic Migraine Headaches?

    Chronic migraine headaches can be debilitating and painful. Chronic migraine headaches must be present at least 15 times per month for three consecutive months. They are considered episodic if they occur less frequently than 15 times per month. About 300 to 400 million people worldwide experience migraines, or 3% to 5%.

    What are migraines?

    Migraines can be described as a severe, one-sided, throbbing headache that causes pounding or throbbing sensations. Migraines are often accompanied by other symptoms, which can occur before, during, and after the headache. Nearly two-thirds (33%) of migraine sufferers will experience symptoms prior to the actual headache.

    These symptoms include nausea, vomiting, visual disturbances and auditory disturbances, mood changes and depression, among others. Auras are common in migraine sufferers, and can include visual disturbances as well as increased sensitivity to loud noises and odors. A migraineur can be alerted if symptoms occur before a migraine attack. It is possible to start treatment early and avoid a migraine attack.

    Natural remedies

    Natural remedies can be used to treat migraine headaches. However, it may not be easy to find the right treatment for you. One treatment may work for your coworker, but it might not work for you. If you don’t get the results you desire, you might need to look deeper to find the solution.

    You might want to test your water. Your migraines may not be caused by water. It could be the amount of water you drink. In some cases, not drinking enough water can lead to a rapid dehydration that can trigger migraine headaches.

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    Drinking more water is the solution. Drinking enough water will cause your urine to be pale straw colored and you will urinate about once every four hours. You should also limit the time between drinks to no more than three hours.

    Dehydration can also trigger migraine headaches and, in particular, chronic migraines. There are many chemicals that can trigger migraines in drinking water, but nitrates is the most common. Inorganic minerals, nitrates, are abundant in large quantities all over the globe. They can be found in freshwater, the ground, and the air. High levels of nitrates in animal manure can eventually make their way into tap water.


    Migraines can be caused by high levels of nitrates found in drinking water. A cheap test kit can be purchased at your local hardware store to determine if your water has excessive levels of nitrates. You can either drink bottled water if you find high levels of nitrates or use a filter to get rid of them. Many foods contain nitrates, including cured meats like hot dogs, ham, salami and other cured meats. If you have high levels of nitrates found in your water, and then filter it, you might still get headaches. You can avoid foods containing nitrates if you want to ensure that your headaches are not caused by nitrates.

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