
    Is Reiki a Placebo?

    It is quite strange that scientists tend to conclude that Reiki’s effects are not as powerful as a placebo when studying the effects. We have been led to believe there is something wrong in the placebo effect. This is something we should not believe. Dr. Andrew Weil explains in Spontaneous healing how doctors don’t like placebo effects as they can cause problems in their experiments. These doctors prefer “real treatments that work via identifiable biochemical mechanisms.” When direct causality cannot be determined scientifically, placebo effects are invoked.

    Placebo Effects

    Weil embraces placebo effects enthusiastically, seeing them as pure examples for healing that can be elicited by the power of the mind. Weil views placebo effects not as a problem, but as a “therapeutic partner” in healing disease. We have forgotten that people can heal themselves naturally without the use of harmful chemicals and without understanding the mechanism of causality. The human body has amazing built-in healing mechanisms. Consider the Imitrex, a top-selling pharmaceutical drug that is used to treat migraines.

    This drug is not criticized for being a placebo. This list of possible side effects is often referred to as “all drugs have side effects.” So, why not? It’s okay to have them? Imitrex is not an exception. You can do a little research on virtually every pharmaceutical drug and get the same scary results. This is how scientific and medical logic can be summarized. It is scientifically more scientific to take known side effects, including death, than to seek alternative healing modalities like Reiki, which may just be a placebo effect.


    Thanks. Are these dangers exaggerated? I recommend that you investigate this subject and discover the meaning of all those large words in the fine print on your medication labels. Is it possible to be curious about the reasons that so many people experience relief from migraines and headaches after receiving Reiki? Although many people report subjective relief, does this make it science? My preference is for “subjective relief” from my headaches over “objective” life-threatening atrial fibrillation. Science has shown that migraine medication can cause strokes, angina, and even death in many cases.

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    Do you think this is better than “messing about” with natural methods? If you are involved in a serious accident, don’t drive to the nearest Reiki center. In the event of an accident, broken bones or burns, the allopathic profession has performed miracles to save hundreds upon thousands of lives. Misuse of prescription drugs is responsible for tens of thousands deaths each year. It is even more shocking that hundreds of thousands of Americans die each year from misuse of prescription drugs.


    These deaths are a sign of great faith in pharmaceuticals, but the pills are still marketed and sold as science. Ironically, faith in pharmaceuticals is embedded at the ideological level of modern culture, even in societies that are proud to have objective, empirical evidence. Blind faith can be both dangerous and disempowering. By definition, chemicals are accepted as medicine. Patients are more seen as passive subjects in a chemical experiment than active participants in their own well-being. Blind faith in modern chemical warfare against our bodies is a common operating procedure in many countries.

    Dr. Ray Strand explains in detail the harmful effects of pharmaceuticals and the death by prescription. You need the knowledge, wisdom, and insight to make the best decisions regarding your health care. It is important to understand the strengths, weaknesses and side effects of any health care measure you are considering. You should read Selling Sickness by Ray Moynihan, Alan Cassels, if you haven’t considered the financial interests that Wall Street has in perpetuating faith and belief in pharmaceuticals. They offer a stimulating analysis of diseases that have been invented or manufactured for mass consumption, and therefore for mass medication.

    Body and Mind

    Your body and mind are responsible for knowing all the options available to them. Be aware of the potential dangers and benefits of each healing method. To optimize your health, you may need to choose one or more modes. Wisdom that is based on knowledge can lead you to the insights you need in order to ensure your well-being. Reiki should be considered as an integral part of your mental and physical well-being programs. Understanding the history and principles behind Reiki is a small step towards a better understanding of the various healing modalities. This article focuses on the history and practice of Reiki. I trust that you will be well and mindful until then.

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    Let’s see…

    Many people find themselves in situations they believe someone else created. They look outside themselves to find the cause. They believe they can’t control it or that they were abused. Or, they might even say, “Here, I am in this rental home, here is my job, and I live on unemployment benefit.” Someone else decided that I was disabled and could not work. They see others as the problem and feel helpless. They often don’t realize they think this way. Although not everyone feels helpless or defeated, everyone has experienced hopelessness in certain situations. You don’t have control over your life in early childhood. Your parents, foster-parents, and siblings do.

    You want to overcome this powerlessness as you grow up, but others will pull you back in line. If you don’t take the steps towards maturity, this will continue to happen. Growing up means letting go of the strings and becoming fully autonomous. Why does this happen? It is something they are used to. It can be frightening to think of total independence. It is a new territory. You cannot impose the consequences on anyone else if you are an independent person. You cannot hold anyone else responsible. You are responsible for your own actions and decisions.


    Because it is easy, people like to assume responsibility for others. It’s how they grew up. Some people are followers while others are rebels. I have personally embraced rebelliousness and replaced helplessness. Rebels are known for their tendency to do too much. These people are not mature, but they may place the blame on others and start throwing bombs around because of their helplessness.

    When they become grown ups, followers have more difficulty breaking through the helplessness. Following is as unbalanced as being a rebel. Our parents were not able to show us how it feels to live independently. Being independent means being able to give direction, be compassionate, and have a social network. You can’t take control of your life if you are powerless. Instead, give them to someone else.

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