
    What are the Two Types of Health Knowledge?

    Modern life has many advantages, but there is one major drawback. The problem I am referring to is that our secondary knowledge keeps us from being able be certain about many things. Nietzsche called this “primary knowledge,” which is the original type of knowledge. It is the knowledge that we have gained from direct experience. When we are young, we touch hot stoves and we take our hands off. This is how we learn to be more cautious around stoves. Secondary knowledge is theoretical information. It is derived from books, media, friends, and family.


    Also, it can be obtained from any source other than direct experience. Both types of knowledge have their respective places in life. Modern times have a dramatically higher proportion of secondary knowledge than primary knowledge. It’s so common, we have a new term for it: “information overload”. Information overload can be found in almost every aspect of our lives, including our health. It is easy to find more information about health than you can ever use by doing a quick search on the internet.

    Even the best-intentioned, honest information might not be applicable to everyone. A remedy that works for one person may not work for another or make them feel worse. How can we address this issue in our health? The easiest way to deal with this issue is to improve our ability to listen to what our bodies are telling us. These signals are available 24 hours a days.

    The Signals

    Some signals are obvious, however. We know when we are hungry or tired. Other signals are not as obvious unless you have learned to recognize them. These body signals, which I call real-time Biofeedback, are visible in the small changes that we experience throughout the day. Your energy level, for example, is a great indicator. Your body will tell you if you feel tired or jittery. The same applies to your appetite (hunger too quickly after eating, cravings junk food, etc.). Your mental and emotional well being are important too. Your body is telling you, “Good job!”

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    If you feel satisfied after eating, have enough energy, and are mentally clear and emotionally resilient, then your body is saying, “Good job!” If you have had any other experience in these areas, your body will give you feedback that you can apply. It is important to identify the cause of the symptoms. Foods, especially processed and denatured foods, as well as food that is not appropriate for your Metabolic Type(r). Lifestyle factors like too much or too little exercise.


    Strong negative emotions can be triggered by relationships (work, social, or family). Time factors like stress from deadlines. Environmental exposure, such as exposure to toxic metals like mercury and lead, can be caused by deadlines. ), pesticides, electromagnetic fields. The bottom line is that you can recognize the signals your body sends you (primary information) and have a better chance of figuring out which secondary knowledge (books or doctors, internet, etc.) best suits your situation. This allows you to continue your journey towards better and more healthy health while reducing the amount of information overload.


    When I tell individuals what I do, the initial issue they ask is ‘what will be homeopathy’. The title homeopathy itself is a tiny tongue twister and soon you break it down into elements. By putting both together, homeopathy in fact means ‘like condition’, or ‘curing condition with like’. Essentially, the philosophy behind homeopathy will be that it heals giving a sick person exactly the same homeopathic medicine which will cause the exact same illness when given to a wholesome person.

    Compared, western medicine is frequently called allopathy. Allos’ means ‘additional’ in Greek. Put simply, disease is taken care of with unrelated or additional medicines. Let’s appear at a good example of homeopathy doing his thing. I’m sure you properly know the result that cutting an onion is wearing your eyes and nasal area. Watery discharge, as well as your nose could become itchy.

    Good to know

    The homeopathic medication Allium cepa is manufactured out of the Spanish onion. It really is one of many medicines for hay temperature where you possess profuse, allium cepa can totally resolve hay fever with one of these signs and symptoms. Lets appear at another example. It really is commonly known that espresso may keep some individuals awake at evening. It is used to do that. The homeopathic medication Coffea, created from the raw espresso beans, is among the main medicines to stay over exhilaration. Think of a kid who is so excited your day before their birthday celebration or Xmas. So excited, they can not sleep.

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    The medication Coffea settles the enthusiasm, allowing sleep. The unasked issue behind the issue ‘what is homeopathy’ will be ‘how does it work’. The body is highly smart. It will always be striving to heal itself. Also it mostly can, but occasionally there are blockages to the healing. Signs and symptoms are expressions of blockages. They’ll start your emotional or mental degree first. In the event that you ignore these, they begin to appear as physical signs and symptoms. These are more challenging to ignore.

    Good Example

    Lets give a good example. A kid falls from her pony, busting her arm. She recovers actually, but continues to be scared of riding again. She’s become stuck at the damage. Per year later, she is identified as having appendicitis, which is not merely indicated by severe abdominal discomfort, but also by way of a high white blood cellular count. She is taken care of homeopathically with the medication Arnica. Not merely does her abdominal discomfort disappear, as does the higher white blood cellular count, but therefore does her concern with riding. The blockage halted her curing her abdominal pain.

    Today her blockage is taken out, she is healthy once more. Homeopathic medicines don’t treat you. They take away the blockages that stop your body curing itself. The bottom line is, the answer to your issue of ‘what is homeopathy’, it’s the removal of blockages, which means that your body can get rid of itself. This is a gentle, very strong system of medicine that may resolve genetic blockages that return back generations, and also the more recent ones. You may use some of the common medications yourself in the home, for mild disturbances. However the real work includes genetic resolution.

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