
    How to deal with Secondary Headaches?

    Secondary headaches are those that occur as a result of an illness. These illnesses can be life-threatening and very serious. While some may not be serious, others can still cause discomfort and pain. A sinus infection can cause secondary headaches that are easily identifiable. Your sinuses are located behind your bridge, in each cheekbone, and in your forehead bone.


    Sinuses can become inflamed from allergies, infections, and tumors. Sinus infections can block sinus secretions from dripping into the nose as they should. This can lead to headaches. Sinus headaches can be accompanied by a fever. The rebound headache is another type of secondary headache.

    This can be caused by over-use of or improperly using medications. If you take a decongestant for a sinus infection, but it is not, you could get a headache.

    Rebound Headache

    A rebound headache can occur if your headaches are severe or frequent enough that you take more medication than the doctor prescribed or as directed on the label. You can develop a dependence on OTC or prescription medication. You should consult a doctor if this is happening. You may be overmedicating if you resort to acute treatments more often than twice a week.

    Side effects of medications to treat depression and high blood pressure can often cause headaches. Headaches can also be caused by dental problems. Secondary headaches can also be caused by meningitis and cerebrovascular disease. These conditions are rare, but they are important to be aware of the symptoms called “red flags” that health care providers will look for. Headaches that are more severe when you move or exercise.

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    Medical Conditions

    Headaches in someone with certain medical conditions such as high blood pressure or AIDS. Sudden onset of severe headaches. Other symptoms include blurred vision, difficulty walking, talking, dizziness and loss of consciousness. Headaches that occur after a head injury. Headaches that occur on the same side as the head. It is important to know the location of your headache.

    Secondary headaches are those that occur on the same side as the head. A patient who has a family history with brain aneurysms reported experiencing headaches. Headaches that interfere with work or daily living. Headaches that are constant. These red flags should be reported to a doctor. They can identify the underlying medical condition by reviewing the patient’s history and ordering tests such as special blood tests and CT scans, MRI, and spinal taps. These life-threatening conditions, such as headaches, are rare. It is better to be safe than sorry and seek medical attention if you see any’red flags.



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