
    Can Penis Enlargement be easier?

    Ten Factors that can make your penis smaller – How to prevent it from happening to you! A man can have a small penis due to many factors. Some factors cannot be avoided, but others can be. Men, take care of you penis to prevent any “inches” from being lost. You should also ensure that no one else does it. Men, never do anything that could compromise the size or shape of your penis. Penis Exercises can be used to increase the size of your penis.

    Take Note

    • Circumcision – Circumcision is a major cause of a smaller penis. This is because scarring is common when the foreskin from the penis is removed. Scarred skin and penile tissue will be less elastic and more likely to shrink (and become smaller) after a scar has been made. According to some estimates, circumcision can result in men losing 5% of their penile length. Strangely, companies and industries that make a profit from circumcision claim that there is no loss of penis length or scarring.
    • Scarring from Injury or Burns – Getting your manhood caught inside your zipper, excessive masturbation, or other injuries can all make your penis smaller. Penile tissues and skin are sensitive, so they can easily be injured. One of my friends stepped on the dog’s tail at night and he was very upset. The dog leapt up, clenched his penis and bit into it. What was the end result after a trip to the hospital with no stitches and once he had healed up? His penis was shorter and the injury to his penis left him with a scarred depression. Masturbation is something we have already mentioned and it is something you should definitely remember. Masturbation can cause skin and other tissues damage, especially if a man is young. Stop masturbating if this happens and let your penis heal at 110%. This type of scarring can also make your penis smaller. Burns can also make your penis smaller. This is more common than people realize. Intentionally pouring scalding fluid onto the penis is the most common cause. Guys, if your passion is cooking, don’t wear your boxers.
    • Low Testosterone/Growth Hormone – A smaller penis can be caused by low testosterone levels in the fetal stage. It is actually one of the main causes of micro-penis. Low levels of testosterone can cause the same effect when puberty arrives.
    • Hormones-Man’s penis size can be greatly affected by being exposed to the wrong hormones. If the hormones are given to a child, they can hinder its growth and make the penis smaller in adult men.
    • Smoking – Smoking can cause damage to the fine capillary-bulb network in your body, particularly in your distal extremities. It’s a good idea to quit smoking, as it can have a negative effect on the size of your penis and your ability to maintain an erection.
    • Genetics – Your DNA determines the size of your penis. Your genes may be responsible for a smaller penis than your genetic code.
    • Fetal exposure to chemicals – Many pesticides and chemicals, as well as poor diet, can cause a smaller penis. This is especially true if the mother is pregnant with the male fetus. Exposure to certain chemicals can also affect normal penis growth in infants. Radiation Exposure
    • Some scientists believe that excessive radiation exposure in the penile region of a male infant or child can cause a reduction in penis growth. Excessive radiation exposure can cause the penis to shrink and impair its function in adult males.
    • Penile Trauma – Penis fracture and penile valve prolapse are possible causes of a decrease penis size and function.
    • The Anger Wife or Girlfriend – Most people have heard of John and Lorena Robertbitt. Let’s just say that she cut his penis in half using a knife. The trauma caused his penile to shrink and was surgically repaired.
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    Natural Enlargement

    One time, there was a man who had a small penis. He wasn’t the only one with this problem. There were many other men who had the same problem. However, he may have been the last man alive, as these things are not discussed in the world of men. Although it sounds absurd, it is true, even though it sounds like a fairy tale. I know this because I was that man. The fairy godfather showed me natural enlargement one day. Although Steve was my friend, I tried it for a few days and it worked. I was truly grateful to him for this important information. My penis measured in at just under 4.5 inches. Now, my penis measures just over 9inches. Let me know if you have any other ideas.

    Natural enlargement is another option to get those extra inches. I used the information provided by a friend to discover a natural method for enlarging my penis. This method is so effective that I haven’t regretted it once. I know that there is only one moment in my life when my penis can naturally grow. It’s during puberty. Unfortunately, puberty was too fast-paced and I was not satisfied with the results. I was certain that I would be one those guys who are described “well hung”. Unfortunately, this was not the case. 4.5 inches is not a good height.

    What to do?

    Natural enlargement was able to change that. It did almost the same thing as puberty. Natural enlargement was possible by using my body to restart the penile growth that had stopped so abruptly. Your body produces biochemicals during puberty to help your penis grow. It does this all by itself, without any assistance from you. Natural enlargement allows you to help your body make these biochemicals and thus engender new development. As I explained, puberty is when your body does all of this naturally.

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    Natural enlargement is just a small help. The way to make these biochemicals has not been lost. It is still there, but inactive. Natural enlargement can help you reactivate biochemical manufacturing. The penis responds by growing. It is all there is to it, as it is a natural sequence of events. NATURAL ENLARGEMENT WORKS BETTER THAN OTHER METHODS. Natural enlargement is achieved by stimulating new growth with the production of biochemical. This is the only way your penis can grow. This step is not required by any other methods that you can buy.


    They simply jump into the final strait, which is to focus all their attention on the penis and try to force it into growing by applying creams or lotions or taking pills. This can only lead to one thing. Failure. Failure. Recognizing your penis’ needs is the only way to grow it. Natural enlargement can be used to produce a new crop biochemical. Your penis won’t grow without these biochemical, which can only be obtained from your body. HOW DO I GET NATURAL BIOCHEMICALS? Natural enlargement can help you get these biochemists back in your body. To get your body to produce these biochemicals that make your penis grow, the most important step is to find a natural enlargement method.

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