
    What Is A Magnesium Migraine Again?

    Magnesium migraine can be described as a simple term that refers to magnesium and calcium imbalances in the body as possible triggers of migraines. Magnesium can be found in leafy green vegetables like broccoli. Magnesium is also found in bananas, almonds, and avocados. Magnesium’s role is to help the body burn fats and carbohydrates. Calcium is equally important because it strengthens bones and teeth and makes them less susceptible to breaking. Milk and milk products are rich in calcium.


    Both minerals are important for the brain. Magnesium does the opposite. Calcium in blood vessels allows it to contract. Unnatural dilation or contraction of blood vessels can occur when there is a magnesium-calcium imbalance. This will have a significant impact on blood flow around the brain. This can lead to a magnesium migraine episode.

    Magnesium migraine sufferers may experience pounding headaches due to the abnormal blood flow in their brain. Other symptoms include blurred vision and vomiting. Migraine events can last for up to 30 minutes and sometimes last for more than two days. Women are more likely to experience migraine attacks than men. Although migraines can occur at any age, most people experience them in their 20s to 30s. Both genders experience a decrease in migraine frequency as they age.


    There are two types: magnesium migraine and without aura. One is known as aura, while the other is not. Aura is short-interval visual disturbances that occur at the onset or progression of migraine. These can manifest as a temporary blindness or enlarging small blind spot. Aura can be used to give warnings to the person in advance of experiencing headache pains. However, the aura can pose a danger to the person’s safety.

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    Imagine the person experiencing a magnesium migraine with aura while walking on a busy street or standing on a ladder. There is a chance that the person could pose a danger to himself and others. Too much magnesium can cause diarrhea, and too little calcium can weaken bones and teeth. A person should not consume more than 420mg daily of magnesium to prevent migraines. This can be in the form mentioned above or by taking mineral supplements. Some supplements can cause liver damage.


    Before you take vitamins and minerals supplements, consult a doctor. Magnesium deficiency can also be caused by alcohol, caffeine, and wines. Magnesium migraine can be prevented by ensuring that the body has a healthy level of calcium and magnesium. This may seem like a daunting task. The first step is to make sure that there are no magnesium-loss sources in the body. A healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet will help to prevent migraines.


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