
    Can a Healthy Diet help me live longer?

    A worrying trend is the rise in obesity and other serious health conditions. Our fast-paced lifestyles and fast food mentality have made us obese and stressed out. We need to ask ourselves, “What is the best way to live a longer, healthier life?” A healthy, balanced diet could help you live longer and prevent you from developing such serious health problems. It is encouraging to know that while most people in the West struggle with unhealthy diets and stressful lifestyles, some cultures and civilizations have lived longer lives.

    Consider This!

    Consider, for example, the Okinawans, the Peruvian Indians or any other tribe or indigenous group from Asia and Africa. These people ate a plant-based diet with very little meat or fish, and some wild game meat. They were also less likely to be exposed to pesticides and didn’t use any hormones nor antibiotics when raising their livestock. These people lived to be between 100 and 200 years old. All of these people had one thing in common: they all exercised regularly, and ate lots of plant food.

    These people are also known to have eaten wild plants and herbs. They also drank lots of water. They didn’t eat sodas or fast-food fatty meals. According to the American Health Association, a teaspoon of salt contains at most 2,300 mgs of sodium. The association recommends that people eat less than 2,300mg of salt per day. According to some health experts, a typical restaurant meal can provide between 1,500 and 2,000 mg of sodium. This is much higher than the AHA’s recommended intake.

    Live Longer

    It is possible to live longer if you eat less than 2,300mg of sodium per day. Water is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Water cools the body, allows organs and muscles work efficiently, and improves the joint health. Water is the main component of human beings. Because water evaporates, we need to drink more water each day. It is recommended that adults consume at least eight glasses of water per day. There is sufficient scientific evidence to support the claim that drinking clean water can improve oxygen levels and remove toxins and other waste products.

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    People in the United States, Canada, and Europe have discovered that a healthy, but not too restrictive, diet can help them live longer, healthier lives. There is a lot of scientific evidence that low-calorie diets can make you live longer and more healthy. Cornell University conducted a 1935 study that found that mice who were given 30 percent less calories lived for forty percent longer than mice who ate as much as they wanted.


    Many experiments have been done on worms, spiders, and yeast cells since then. All of them produced the same results. Scientists have shown that people who eat calorie-restricted diets are less likely than those who eat calorie-restricted meals to die from heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, or heart disease. They also have better brain function for making controlled movements and making decisions. Although it is well-known that calorie-restricted eating can help you live longer and more healthy lives, no one knows why a lower calorie intake and higher metabolic activity promote longevity.

    One study suggests that the body is able to go into a maintenance mode by partially starving it. This allows it to focus on its health and preserve its cells. Calorie-restricted diets can reduce calories by up to 30%. A person who practices calorie reduction will eat approximately 1,800 calories per day, which is 900 more than the average person. A low-calorie diet usually includes a breakfast of whole wheat bread, bananas, berries, and a low-fat milkshake. Lunch can include fish, fresh garden salads and baked sweet potatoes.

    Glycemic Index

    Glycemic index is a measure of blood sugar and carbohydrate levels. There are many types of carbohydrate and a low carb GI diet can help to lower blood glucose levels. Carbohydrates are broken down and then released glucose into the blood. Glycemic index is a measure of blood glucose levels. Certain carbohydrates slowly release glucose into the bloodstream, which can lower GI levels. Low glycemic index means that there is less insulin needed in the blood. This helps diabetics to manage their blood sugar and lipid levels.

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    The glucose response curve is measured for two hours after consuming a certain amount carbohydrate to determine the Glycemic Index. The average GI index for a food item can be calculated by measuring the glucose response curve of human subjects after a certain food type has been given to them. A GI index greater than 100 means that the food has a high glucose response. This is why white bread and other food items have it. Low GI index: It’s 55 or less and is found in fruits, vegetables, and other foods.

    Take Note

    • Low glycemic index foods include eggs, meat, whole grains and nuts, as well as legumes, fructose and pulses. You can reduce the glycemic impact by using olive oils or flaxseeds instead of sunflower or corn oils. To prevent oil from deteriorating, it is important to keep cooking oil refrigerated and not heated above 105 degrees. However, excessive amounts of carbohydrate and fat can increase the glycemicindex.
    • Medium GI index: The medium level of GI can be measured between 56 and 69. It is found in whole wheat products and sweet potatoes.
    • High GI index: This is a measurement of GI that is greater than 70. It is found in white breads, baked dishes, corn flakes and rice.


    • It controls blood sugar levels.
    • It can help you lose weight.
    • It lowers your risk of developing heart problems.
    •  It helps to reduce symptoms of PCOS.
    • It lowers blood cholesterol.
    • It reduces the desire for food and prevents bloating.
    • It lowers the risk of many types of diseases.

    Diet Chart

    The diet chart should contain the following.

    • Breakfast should include oats, bran, and barley.
    • Reduce your potato intake and eat more fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods.
    •  Basmati and doongra rice are said to have a low GI.
    • Use herbs to prepare your food.
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    Drawbacks of GI diet Low GI diets can be high-fat and high-calorie, so they cannot be used to reduce weight. The GI response of different people is different and can vary from day to day.


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