
    What to know about Colon Cleanse?

    Poor Colon Health is a leading cause of chronic disease and poor body function. Dual Action Cleanse is a popular product that cleanses the Colon. This will remove toxic waste from the Colon, which can cause it to fail in its job. Stress, diet, and other factors can cause irritation in the Colon. The body cannot purchase Dual Action Cleanse so it creates mucus to remove the toxins. A clogged colon can cause extra mucus, which is made up of broken down foods that get trapped on the Colon wall.

    Action Cleanse

    Dual Action Cleanse is designed to eliminate this mucus mixture. This will allow your Colon to eliminate harmful toxins. People believe that regular bowel movements means they have a healthy digestive tract. However, this is a myth. Even if you have regular bowel movements, foods and toxins can still get stuck in your mucus and end-up lining your Colon wall. This cleanse is proven to remove any food waste that your body cannot remove naturally. A stool that passes through your Colon with toxins will leave residual waste, which can lead to more toxins.

    This cleanse is the first step in your journey to healing your Colon. It restores your Colon to its natural state, allowing it to produce nutrients that you can retain for your body. Dual Action Cleanse is essential to prevent your Colon from becoming swollen and clogged with bacteria called Diverticulitis. Dual Action Cleanse will prevent this from happening by eliminating toxins that lead to the breakdown of your Colon.


    There are many benefits, but the most important is that it will result in a healthy Colon. Also, a healthy Colon will give you appearance benefits you didn’t know existed. Colon irrigation is often used to quickly clean the Colon. However, this is ineffective. This cleanse will ensure that your entire Colon is cleaned out to maintain optimal health. It will also make you feel fit and healthy.

    Clean Colon is key to many health issues. However, many people don’t realize how easy it can be to maintain a clean Colon with Dual Action Cleanse. This product is easy to use and comes in two distinct parts. It is now available for purchase. With a healthy diet and regular exercise, you can be sure that it will work with your body and provide optimal results.

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    Let’s be real for a second. We are going to talk about a very serious condition that affects millions of people throughout our culture, starting in midlife. It is known to be culture-specific and is more common in the West than any other group. Modern medicine is not able to determine the cause. Diverticulitis can cause pain in the stomach for millions of people. It affects the colon and rectum. The result is that the colon wall, or large intestinal wall, becomes weaker over time due to increased pressure from an unknown cause. The colon’s pressure causes weak areas to bulge outwards, allowing for more digested matter to accumulate and fester.

    These sacs are called diverticula. These sacs are called diverticulosis. Diverticulitis is a condition where diverticula become infected or inflamed. This can be as painful and dangerous as appendicitis. It can also lead to rupture of your colon wall. This condition is caused by an increase in pressure within the large intestinal tract. The force of this pressure is what causes the formation of sacs. It is important to understand what causes this increased pressure.

    Fiber Diet

    One theory was that the high fiber diet could be causing blockage in digestion and increased colon pressure. The condition did not change if the fiber content was decreased. It was then believed that too much fiber could prevent proper elimination. High fiber diets were recommended. This did not help, unfortunately. Diverticulitis can also be found in vegetarians, as well as meat-eaters. Diverticulitis is also common among vegetarians. However, special interest groups that promote certain diets claim that they are preventive.

    There is also contradicting research. The majority of research on diverticulitis is inconclusive about the causes of this terrible condition. In the absence of a clear cause, medicine can only provide pain relief, antibiotics for the infection, and surgery for abscessed areas. The current recommendation for prevention is to eat more fiber and have your bowels empty more often. One thing was missed in medical research on diverticulitis. The most common cause of increased colon pressure isn’t really a medical issue.

    Cultural Issue

    It’s a cultural issue. This is why medicine has not recognized it. This cultural practice also causes diverticulitis in the medical profession to be even worse than it is in patients. It all comes down to answering Nature’s calls. Our society teaches us from birth to keep our waste products in check. Our culture has conditioned us to hold it in, from the pressures that we are subject to when we are born to use diapers, to the pressures that we feel to use public toilets at school and to the pressures that we work without the option of going to the bathroom, or where one is not available.

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    This creates pressure in your colon. The easiest way to increase colon pressure is to close your anal sphincter when the intestine contracts. This has happened to everyone at one point or another. Maybe the urge struck when you were in a social situation where you couldn’t stop because Nature called. It could have happened while driving and there was no service station or rest stop. Some people don’t like the idea of using a public toilet and prefer to keep it private until they get home. No matter the reason, personal waste management is a difficult problem in our culture.


    This encourages procrastination over elimination. This leads to increased colon pressure and diverticula. Not only are you holding in waste but also gas. Flatus retention is the technical term. This is what most people are taught to do in public from their school days. Diverticulitis is more common among professionals and wealthy Westerners than it is among the poor in third world countries. Your status will determine how acceptable your flatus is. While poverty allows you to have more discretion, affluence gives you the right to take your time when necessary.

    The sad truth is that the pressure of fart has to go somewhere. Either you go with the flow or your intestines explode. You have the option to choose. You can see why diverticulitis is a medical mystery. This topic is often viewed as taboo because it is culturally taboo. One article linked diverticulitis to holding in gas. It was published in 1975 in Lancet, a British medical journal.


    The article is entitled “Flatus retention: the major factor in diverticular diseases”. The information was not used. The medical profession is more comfortable prescribing drugs or surgery for diverticulitis than telling people to poop more often. You can do your own self-study for those suffering from diverticulosis and diverticulitis. In the following three months, observe how often you feel the need to eliminate but find yourself choosing to keep it in. Pay attention to how often you feel the need to pass wind. Your body will do what it wants. You may also want your partner to do this self-study.

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