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    Tag: Zdravá strava

    Aké sú výhody Atinnurisu?

    Vo svete plnom zvukov, od melódie prírody až po ruch mesta, sú naše uši najlepšími spojencami, aby sme mohli naplno prežiť každý okamih. Často však prehliadame dôležitosť zdravia sluchu, kým si nevšimneme, že niečo nie je v poriadku. Starostlivosť o sluch je rovnako dôležitá ako vyvážená strava alebo pravidelné cvičenie. Predstavte si...

    Čo je DiaformRX?

    Cukrovka je chronické ochorenie, ktoré ovplyvňuje spôsob, akým vaše telo spracováva krvný cukor, známy aj ako glukóza. Pri zvyšovaní hladiny glukózy v krvi môžu vzniknúť závažné komplikácie, ktoré ovplyvňujú rôzne systémy tela. Poznanie a pochopenie rizík spojených s cukrovkou je nevyhnutné pre prevenciu, účinnú liečbu a zlepšenie kvality života ľudí, ktorí žijú s týmto ochorením. Existujú dva hlavné typy...

    Čo je oxidačné poškodenie?

    Humans are subject to oxidative damage. This is why the name oxidative gives us a clue. Our bodies use oxygen to produce energy. Basic...

    Ako sa zbaviť toxínov v tele?

    Toxicology is a major concern in today's world. Because of our modern lifestyle, toxic substances are accumulating in our bodies. This accumulation is mainly...

    Ako zmierniť zápchu?

    Over-the-counter drugs are popular for quick relief of constipation. They are cheap and effective. This is a lazy way to get rid of constipation,...

    Čo treba vedieť o cukre?

    Sugar is one of most tempting foods. It tastes great and can be found in many foods. It can be addictive, and that is...

    Prečo je pšeničná tráva zázračný liek?

    Wheat grass therapy is therefore effective in treating skin diseases and ulcerated injuries. It slows bacterial activity, which promotes cell activity and normal growth....

    Prečo cvičiť terapeutickú jogu?

    My eight-year-old boy suffers from migraines. The neighborhood medical center advised us to cut right out chocolate, cheese, cola and yeast extract from his...

    Strácam pri migréne chuť do jedla?

    Migraines are frustrating, painful and something of the nerve breaking items that could ever eventually you. Once you experience constant head aches, it is...

    Ako spať na ceste k úspechu?

    Having an excellent diet is key. Today let's look at your resting patterns or habits. Focus on your sleeping practices and you''ll lessen the...

    Čo sa stane, ak som v strese?

    Migraines can be very annoying, painful, and nerve-breaking. It can be very difficult to get things done when you have constant headaches. You may...

    Ako bojovať proti infekciám prínosových dutín?

    Sinus infection is really a common ordeal experienced by folks from time and energy to time. Gather information- Once you confront an illness linked...

    Ako zvládnuť abstinenciu po kofeíne?

    Caffeine withdrawal can cause migraine attacks. I have personally experienced this firsthand in an attempt to get my caffeine out. Some migraineurs have a...

    Trpím migrénou zo stresu?

    Are You Suffering from Migraine-Related Stress? Stress can be a migraine trigger for some people. Understanding stress and how to manage it in your...