Arthritic Joints

Cholesterol is an essential component of our cell membranes and a few hormones. The body produces the cholesterol we need, and our bodies also get good amounts of cholesterol from food. Normal levels of cholesterol are not dangerous. When our bodies start accumulating bad cholesterol, trouble begins. Low density...
You should be aware of the potential side effects of statins if you and your doctor have made an educated decision to start statin use. Merck, a pharmaceutical giant, has already applied to the Food and Drug Administration three times to allow lovaststatin to be sold over-the-counter without a...
Cholesterol-lowering recipes are easy to find and follow if you want to lower your cholesterol. They can be a delicious alternative to fatty foods. It is important to understand which foods are lower in cholesterol and which cooking methods can be used to keep food healthy. There are many...