Proper Diet

This time of year brings back fond memories of Grandma’s deep-dish apple pie. I can close my eyes to smell, taste, and see her homemade apple pie. My mind will forever be etched with the sweet, cinnamon-scented, golden brown pie crust she made. To make the perfect deep-dish apple...
A worrying trend is the rise in obesity and other serious health conditions. Our fast-paced lifestyles and fast food mentality have made us obese and stressed out. We need to ask ourselves, "What is the best way to live a longer, healthier life?" A healthy, balanced diet could help...
What Really Leads to Migraines? Are you experiencing migraines because you're just "as well sensitive"? The answer, researchers have found, is YES. For years, physicians believed that migraines had been a vascular problem. They discovered that the bloodstream vessels swelled in your mind, bringing on the discomfort of a...
We all know the feeling: congestion, runny nose and headaches. A common symptom of flu or cold is headaches. A strong inflammatory response is one of the main reactions that occurs in our bodies when we are attacked with a virus. This is why we can feel so numb....
When you think about migraines, the immediate thought is severe pain, needing to lie in a darkened area and basically not having the ability to function for each day or two. But did you know not all migraines distress and that the symptoms act like a few very serious...
Migraines could be a real problem specifically when you're working 9 to 5 and you simply can't afford to end up being unproductive at the job. There is however nothing that can be done as head aches like these could be so severe that it could affect your concentration...
Migraine is a condition more common in females. Based on research, three out of four females will suffer from it. There are many reasons for migraine signs and symptoms in women. Initial, the hormones in the girl body are completely different from the males. 2nd, women go though regular...
Copper toxicity was something I discovered when I ordered a hair analysis mineral test to find out if it could help me understand why I was suffering from chronic migraines and especially hormonal migraines. A hair analysis can be used to diagnose copper poisoning. Blood tests don't show what...
My eight-year old son suffers from migraines. We were advised by the local hospital to eliminate chocolate, cheese, cola, and yeast extract from our son's diet. We did this immediately but he still suffers from headaches about twice a months. Although painkillers are helpful, I wonder if cranial osteopathy...
The brain stem of the body, located behind our eyes and nose, has an anti-pain system. This area responds to pain signals by producing a neuro-transmitter called serotonin. It causes a relief effect. These signals are not important and serotonin acts like a filter. The lower the chances of...