People often think of migraines as a severe headache. We didn’t know there was a stomach migraine. Although the name may sound strange, it is true. But stomach migraines do exist. Because stomach migraine symptoms can be confusing for doctors, they are often accompanied by other abdominal disorders. This condition is unusual because it isn’t common in the general population.

Stomach Migraines

It makes sense that we should learn more about stomach migraine and the possible treatment options that sufferers can use. Headache is a common symptom of headaches and migraines. This type of migraine is often characterized by persistent abdominal pain. In between attacks, a person can experience abdominal pain. The abdominal pain can rebound, sorry to say.

Sometimes, the condition can last for a whole day. Stomach migraine can cause abdominal discomfort as well as vomiting, dyspepsia, and lack of appetite. People who suffer from stomach headaches may also experience light sensitivity and discomfort. The attacks can last for hours and can cause insomnia.

Did you know?

This type of migraine is common in children. However, it is important that you treat the condition as soon as possible. Migraines can also lead to other disorders later in life. Once the disorder is suspected, it should be detected early and treated immediately. Anti-anxiety medications such as lorazepam and xanax can be used to treat stomach migraines.

These medications are prescribed because stress can increase the frequency of stomach migraines. These medications can also be used to reduce anxiety and prevent vomiting episodes. You should take extra precautions when you are taking anti-anxiety medication. It should be given only after a doctor has ordered it.

  How to get Migraine Headaches gone?


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